Crazy dreams
, 07-23-2019 at 04:02 AM (278 Views)
A dream with Jamie in it. We are in a video game or something. Can't remember much just that the vibe is good. I like how she is being really consistent lately.
Some HH while waking up.
I was thinking about C and got a flash of a pink heart shaped box of chocolates... Um. No. Spirits do not start this shit again in someone else...
Some more HH
Was thinking about C again. Suddenly saw Jesus looking to the side as if he didn't approve. Ah I was wondering what he had to say about that.
Grossest dream ever
I'm working at McDonald's when a strange order comes up. On the screen it says some sandwich like a "Dirty Harry.". I am freaking out because I have never in my life heard of this. I ask the till person just what in the hell is going on? She replies that a special employee must make it something to do with someone's maiden name's something something. I am still confused AF. James the manager runs out and says he has to do it. He then performs making the sandwich by toasting the bun. Then he literally starts kissing the wall and slobbering all over it and he's making these loud rubbery kersplunk sounds. He then wipes the open part of the bun on the part of the wall with his slobber all over it and then finishes making the sandwich normally. I am so grossed out that I wake up right away. This is not the first time I have seen James in a dream where he does something absolutely disgusting and I never want him in my dreams AGAIN.
Boring dream
I was with all these people I seemed to know in a huge house that was also a mini apartment complex... Hard to explain but I kept wanting to leave and explore the underground tunnels.
I am with Jamie in What is supposed to be the great pyramid of Egypt. Our roles are kind of strange in this dream - We are both asian, we are also both children, and she's also my older sister. I am trying to get into a room in the top of the pyramid but it's way too small to fit in. Jamie is inside mocking me like a big sister would. I give up and go down a long passage in the dark. I find a lightswitch and turn it on. A second later Jamie turns herself into a ghost and shuts the light switch off, laughs and then speeds off. I can't get the light switch working again so I continue my way down.
I am in a strange basement with super long hallways with a young couple. I turn a corner and a 6 or 7 year old girl comes out of nowhere and hugs my waist, she looks up ans smiles at me. I say, "Thank you." and push her off after a few seconds. I am paranoid her parents will think I'm a creep or something. I have an impression that it may have been Jamie, but can't be sure.
No more fortnite please
I am with Jamie in fortnite again. We are by ourselves on the snowy side of the map. We are just building long tunnels and stuff, meanwhile we are having this massive conversation, some of it relevant to the dream and some of it just regular stuff. We are really getting along in this dream.