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    Day off

    by , 08-11-2024 at 06:38 PM (25 Views)
    Completely burned out yesterday. Dropped my phone and wrecked the screen... can still use it until I get a new one.Staying home today to recover. I asked Raven to help out again she remembered a small flash of attempting to get Jamie out of that box.


    Dream of breaking onto someone's farm? I got caught while breaking into the house. The owners made me leave. I somehow left my phone and wallet behind.

    Remember catching up with my brother and he had my car parked on a sketchy cliff. Hmm

    Last night: kept dreaming people or entities were trying to discourage me with Jamie.

    A brief HH flash of Jamie hanging in a closet. Her voice was upset at this or something. I was trying to console her for some time.


    I was with a group of people working or something. Some girl decided to give me a ride. During the ride she starts grilling me about Jamie. She claims Jamie talked about me saying I seemed alright at first but then I became creepy and obsessed or something. I shot back with that I've seen her driving by me house as if to check on me. And I've seen her smile at me at least twice when passing one another on the street. The girl looked shocked and didn't have a response.

    Woke up and did some prayers asking for our dreams to return to normal.

    Vague flash of Jesus helping me and Jamie. She was smiling at me and holding me.
    Sweven likes this.

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    Tags: crazy, jamie, jesus
