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    by , 05-08-2024 at 02:05 AM (115 Views)
    Forgot a dream fragment from last entry: some Demon was accusing Jamie of being a lesbian or something...

    Not much to say on this but, If me and Jamie share a strange dream ( And in head voice) connection, and Jesus who seems to push us towards one another in these connections. There's also "Evil," forces that conspire to keep us apart. So, Be on your guard! Me - Out of nowhere I've had old temptations come back to haunt me and they are difficult to keep at bay. (I find prayers works and distracting myself. And if Jamie really know the voice in my head - if you know you know). I also think back to when me and Jamie first met, and how we both had counterfeit people in our lives to distract us from one another. So yeah - pray on this. Also, it's been months since I had a dream where Jamie was telling me she had planned to saying something to me, and that I would have to be patient. If it's still too difficult to reach out, since we both live in the same area, maybe pray that God makes us cross paths more often, like we both know he can do. Maybe eventually one of us can break the ice if the feeling is right. I have been praying on this.

    anyway more dreams:

    I can't recall every single dream. I had many fragments and HH but hardly any longer dreams to recall.

    previous nights:


    A dream of Jesus showing Jamie one of my dreams through a mirror or something. There was a bunch of smoke inside on the other side of the mirror.


    Another sex dream. Her on top... really enjoying herself this time. I get to see a lot.


    I'm with some friends and we find Jamie trapped in a cage again. And I forget what happens, maybe healing energy again.

    Last night:


    Brief dream where I am explaining something to Jamie. I'm being dumb and ranting a lot like I do in dreams. After I'm done, Jamie says ,"Okaaay, Robeeert."

    A bunch of vague Jamie flashes.


    I'm standing with a group of people by a pool of water. There's healing energy going around for everybody.

    Vague dream

    Can't remember exactly. flying around a city with my old friend Richard from chilliwack.

    Also I've noticed Jamie testing our telepathy - if the voices in our heads are, "real". Like the dream I had with the chipoltle sauce, trying to make me say, "No chick-fil-a sauce?" because that very thing was stuck in my head the previous days. And the chicken barn dream - no comment.

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    Tags: jamie, jesus, richard
    non-lucid , dream fragment
