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    Fragmented recall

    by , 08-20-2024 at 09:57 PM (41 Views)
    Posting a day late because I worked for our of the box in Didsbury for 12 hours moving a hoarder. One thing about going to Didsbury - I'm always keeping my eye out for white SUVs lol. The house I was doing was on an adjacent street to the one where Jamie drove past me in January, so my yellow dodge would be easy to see. At lunch break I had to give everyone a ride to the plaza nearby to get lunch. While moving garbage from the front and into the trunk. I noticed a white SUV parked a few houses down. I hadn't seen it there earlier. It had a tire on the back, with a white covering zipped halfway down. I couldn't remember if the one I seen Jamie in had a spare on the back or not. An odd thing I noticed is the driver's door was ajar. Didn't see anyone get in or out. Then it was gone when I was finished loading the trunk. Can't really say it was her or not just found it odd.

    Jamie 1

    I was with Jamie by her vehicle. She seemed to be upset or complaining about something in my last entry. I was saying something like: Not everything I report about her head voice is going to be completely accurate. Which is true, we've already established that .

    Jamie 2

    I was with Asuka and Jamie but my perception was way off on them. They both looked like people from the McDonald's I worked at in Lethbridge. Asuka looked like NAV. And Jamie looked like Victoria, the chubby girl my age that died from COVID. I remember making out with her and thinking it was odd I was seeing her like that .


    Dream I was applying at the coaldale McDonald's or something but the people didn't hire me. They were being really rude or something.

    Jamie 3

    A dream of Jamie sitting in her car. She seemed to be talking to me or someone else. She was crying and said my name but I can't remember the line she said.

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