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    Hardly anything again.

    by , 01-13-2025 at 03:52 AM (39 Views)
    Been working nonstop with family. Maybe effecting recall. Not sure. Only one dream to recall... Had some issues with the voice lately. One of us or both of us had a minor relapse in something she doesn't quite want to mention publicly. But we seem to be past it now. The one dream seems to reflect the mood.


    I was going to bed. Jamie was going to bed separately but we were separated by a wooden thing. She had really short hair like a boy's. She was getting into be and wasn't looking at me. I said as a voice in my head, " Jamie please look at me." Her eyes shot up for a split second with no expression. She then looked down sort of in submission. Was it guilt?

    Hopefully we're past it now.

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    Tags: jamie
