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    Less dreams

    by , 12-03-2024 at 06:18 AM (36 Views)
    Almost forgot to post - Long, emotionally toxic day going to Calgary and back. My family is not a safe place emo6. If I had it my way... I'd go back to loving them from a distance.

    [B]Jamie 1 [/B]

    Just a short dream of flying in the sky. Jamie was with me... Or around me. I literally felt the love from her. In dreams emotions are so intense. I felt so much love from her it was euphoric.

    Jamie 2

    Sort of an HH dream. I'm in my normal bed. Jamie gets in bed with me. She has brought a baby and put it between us. We all snuggled together warmly. Again feeling the love.

    On that. Sudden infant death can be caused by a parent rolling on to a baby while sleeping. I love the sentiment. Just safety first. I just hope we have a 50 to 100k a year business each before a baby. Times be tough right now.
    Sweven likes this.

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    Tags: baby, flying, jamie
