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    Not much

    by , 02-03-2025 at 02:42 AM (47 Views)
    Not much recall at all.


    Disturbing dream. Some serial killer had a victim in a medical chair? There was a device above the head. The killer was operating the device, which cut right into the man's forehead, pulling a precise chunk of his brain out. The victim managed to say, "Pancake." In response. The killer put a glue like substance over the man's mouth to keep him from speaking. It was bluish and bubbly. My vision panned out revealing the killer to be a woman...

    I woke up quite disturbed by this. The Jamie voice indicated that she had a scary dream as well. Was she the woman?


    Just a quick flash of a sex dream.


    Just a flash of driving by Canmore.

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    Tags: jamie, killer
