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    Please send help.

    by , 05-28-2019 at 03:25 AM (317 Views)
    Well this week or months. have been bad for recall. Can't recall many of my longer non lucids because they weren't interesting enough to hold in my memory. Should I start taking notes again?

    Jamie dreams

    First one is: I dream Jamie started her own psychic webpage as a call psychic. While I am a christian and I don't agree with this. Since I probably gave her the ideas please send me royalties!!!

    Most of these dreams were like hypnagogic imagery while falling asleep.

    second one is she is holding my chin and kisses me.

    In one dream I am on the fortnite map and hanging with some blond girl. Her energy completely blocks out Jamie's and overtakes it completely. I am dumbstruck since no one can steal Jamie's thunder.

    Then I have one where I am reading the message I sent her... I find I can't send anymore messages. she has me on block or something. But her profile picture changes.. twice. I feel intensely rejected in this dream.

    Another where I am trying to find her but she avoids me at every turn.

    In the last one she seems to have gotten over her mood or whatever it was. We are in a fortnite game on opposing teams. but we decide to team up anyway. just me and Her. Our energy seems drawn to one another no matter what. We just walk alone on a hill somewhere quietly.

    Jesus has been strangely quiet in these past few weeks.
    LydiaIsDreaming likes this.

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    non-lucid , side notes
