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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.

    Short entry

    by , 08-17-2024 at 04:44 AM (35 Views)
    Finally got another piano to tune tomorrow in Carstairs at noon. Always nice to make a days wage without killing my car, working with an angry boomer, or running a lawn mower over wasp nests. Pulled my ad in olds coffee news because I haven't had one single customer from the ad in over 4 months. I'm eyeing Western trade.buy.sell. paper. It's way cheaper and covers counties from red deer to Calgary. Note: if Jamie reads these ( I'm positive by now that her drive by escapades are her way of validating to me that what I'm going through is "real" [Twin Flame telepathy or Kingdom Spouse journey ] ). I have an ad for piano tuning in coffee news olds edition for the rest of the month. I also have business cards as well in Olds at Boomer movers, Co-Op olds, and Bean Brokers. My phone # is on there. Another way to get a hold of me should she find the courage. Just reach out as you, please no strange, " You just called this number.WhY DiD YoU cAlL mY NuMbEr? " Calls when their number is not in my history. I had an experience like that with my old number in 2013-14 ish which did sound a lot like Jamie. If I recall I was playing loud pink Floyd music in the background.

    Enough ranting. Dreams.

    Only a handful of HH experiences going in and out of sleep.


    Just a flash of Jamie getting into a white SUV wearing sunglasses. It feels like she's driving to see me in this dream.


    For some reason I always wake up around 3 or 4 am. I lie awake an hour or so talking with her voice. Anyway she was asking me to pray quickly with her. (She'll do this a handful of times. Even during the day sometimes if we happen to argue. Or if I'm on tiktok and I start watching relationship tiktok that promotes black and white thinking, causing me to split. Her voice will tell me to get off my phone and/or pray with her) jeez I'm all over the place today with this entry. I nod off halfway through my prayer and I wake up saying, " ... tell Jamie to meet me at... What?" Realizing I was having a prayer while dreaming but I lost the plot.


    I'm awake talking to her voice. And also it feels like she's lying beside me in spirit. I imagine giving her little kisses all over her face. She asks, "I think you were kissing me all over my face?" I fall into a micro dream and we are holding each other in bed and she is staring at me She comes in to fully kiss me and I wake up from it. I was wondering when the black space dreams would give us a bed
    Sweven likes this.

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    Tags: jamie
    non-lucid , side notes
