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    some recall and crazy coincidence...

    by , 06-08-2020 at 07:24 PM (304 Views)
    Remember last week when i was ranting about how unhappy i was that i had a 13 reasons why dream? Well, season 4 just dropped on netflix and I had no idea. Precog? I of course binged watched it inone night on my days off. I made sure to have a coffee from mcdonald's in my hand. and i toasted andtook a sip everytime Jessica was on screen. haha.

    Jamie dreams.

    I had a dream of maybe kissing her? I don't know it was really fleeting.

    Another dream we were in my house but we came from a crawl space in the ceiling and fell into a ball pit. Like we were kids having fun.

    Last dream was I was standing by my old street where i live when i knew Jamie. But where the library should be was a highschool where jamie was attendting... I was waiting for her at the end of the street. That's all of that one.

    Hypnagogic Images

    A flash of Captain Picard in a black space giving me the middle finger? I wonder why. Also it's very odd that i considered him a mv role model while growing up and i recently noticed his character has the exact same initials of Jamie... if anyone wants to know a little bit of where i get my sense of right and wrong from. It was from watching him growing up on TNG.lol.

    Flash of asuka feeding me some strange dream japanese food. I was wondering if she's still around...

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