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    18 Apr: Human-saurian hybrids rebellion

    by , 04-19-2012 at 09:46 AM (743 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    (...) I find myself in some sort of complex lab. There's a strange room with strange chubby white babies on a nursery and a large aquarium. There's a kind of white organic tower on one side of the aquarium, with round openings under water and an opening to the outside of the aquarium. The babies in the nursery go inside this tube and enter the aquarium through the holes. The water is not normal fresh water, but a warm and dense fluid, and the babies can stay there apparently without breathing for a long time.
    Something happens and I end up inside the aquarium. I hold my breath for a while but when I can't hold it any longer I realize I can also "breath" the fluid, although it feels claustrophobic and I want to get out as soon as possible. I notice another white tower with more openings on it, but this one has some kind of nests inside, on top of each other, and inside the nests I find what seem to be tiny carcasses of dinossaurs.
    I find a hatch (I couldn't fit in the openings that the babies use) and I get out of there.
    I am wandering trhough this complex building, through corridors and stairways. I see nobody but I hear strange and creepy sounds. Then I bump into a very scared man and he says the dinosaurs have escaped and are hunting down the humans. I can hardly imagine a full sized dinosaur running through the narrow hallways, but then I do see a human sized raptor, coming in our direction. We run and we go different directions. The raptor goes after me and I feel very close to dying when he is just inches of grabbing me with his claws. A door opens and I am pulled into a room. The door is locked behind me and I find myself among a group of good looking young males and females. I ask them about what is going on and at first they don't really want to explain anything at all, but as I go along with them on the chase of the saurians, I become aware that they are not really humans. They are also "dinosaurs". They are some sort of hybrids who were born and raised on this complex. They look human but they can turn into the dinosaur form if they wish so. Most of their kind is heartless and preys on humans, but some of them feel more human than saurians and have the instinct to protect us.
    There was some kind of trouble in this complex and they got loose. While some starting killing all the humans, others organized to save the humans and stop the other saurians from getting to the outside world. But they were playing a "double-agent" role so they could approach the mean saurians without raising suspicion over their intentions.
    They come accross one of the evil saurians, who is in a human form, but clearly looks different, more like a vampire - very pale, reddish eyes, big canines - and he seems to be a leader figure, so they try to behave like they are under his orders, so they can infiltrate the command and do some damage. But there's a problem. He can smell me. I try to play cool, try to pretend I'm just one of them, but he can sense there's a human among them and that blows the whole thing up, because he immediately realizes they are traitors and protecting a human among them. They tell me to run away. He transforms into a dino and there's a bloody battle of saurians inside that room
    . (...)

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