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    18 Apr: Putin having lunch at next door's new neighbors

    by , 04-18-2022 at 09:47 PM (220 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    Living in my mom's apartment and I still have stuff left in the apartment in front of her where I lived, namely some dishes and cups. I still have the key to the place, although it was already sold, but I think it's still empty so I go in. Turns out the new owner is having lunch with friends and when they see me coming in, they all come to the door looking concerned. Then they get really upset when they see me. I explain the situation and say I am sorry. They agree to hand me my stuff but they are angry that I just barged in. I notice one of the guy's at the lunch table is Vladimir Putin. I want to say something angry at him, but I swallow my own anger. I try to make peace with the new owners by saying I have some fruit I'd like to offer them. They are not interested and walk me to the door. Then Putin also gets up, hooks up with some girl and they are also leaving. He is followed by a bodyguard. But the bodyguard passes in front of me and goes out the door, leaving Putin right beside me. He seems drunk and he gropes my ass. So I lose my shit and I grab his hand, twist his arm and I make a choke hold. He can't move. I call all his shit to his face and pull his arm higher to hurt him. At first he was laughing like "what are you doing, girl?" but when he starts feeling the pain and he calls for his bodyguard. I choke him fither to shut him up. He doesn't die, I just hurt him a bit while I tell him what I think of him.

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