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    18 Aug: Meeting a long lost love

    by , 08-18-2019 at 09:27 PM (369 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    Somewhere with family members and a few acquaintances. My uncle Zé is there, still living. Zilla is also present. I am trying on a dress she absolutely loves. It's a tight, red polka dots, no shoulders dress. People gasp seeing me in it. She asks where I bought it. I think C&A but we check the label with and it says some other brand. Anyway, she is sad she missed the chance to have one just like it.
    We walk to some shops with dresses on their windows. She points to a few dresses, asks my opinion, I dislike all. She gives up, we part ways and she heads to her car.
    Meanwhile, I spot Matos, who just saw me and heads towards me. He looks super thrilled for seeing me, tells me so and invites me for a coffee. I hesitate. He asks if I'm married. I say no, but that I have a commitment. He argues we left something in mid-air in our past, recalls our deep connection and asks if we could restart from where it was left as he never stopped thinking of me. I recall our teenage love with sweetness. But I am through with it.
    I telĺ him my car is in the opposite direction he is heading. Suggest him we should treasure the memories we have but move on with our lives. He insists it was unfair, that we shouldn't have lost touch, that our connection is one in a lifetime. I tell him he was special alright, but that at best he is maybe the 3rd option on my backup list. Not even true, he is no longer on the list. He is heartbroken. I feel sorry but just wanna go away and say goodbye to him.

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