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    18 Feb: Have a pet cougar and scenes from school and childhood

    by , 02-18-2019 at 09:01 PM (356 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    At a house with a long corridor, like my grandparents' home in Moita. I'm going around locking up the windows. My dad is there. I also have my cats and a cougar. The cougar was raised by us but seems not to like us or the cats, and picks up fights. The cats are afraid and bite me several times. The cougar then bites a cat but lets him go, clearly not with the intention to kill. Still I yell at him and throw him out in the street. A couple of twin old rich ladies, my neighbors, see it and come to rescue the "poor thing". I try to warn then that he is behaving badly, but they don't care as they always loved the cougar.

    Staying at a hostel, changing the sheets in the bed. Someone caught a mouse in a jar.

    Go to school and I am looking for my classroom. I am late, Ana Sofia and others also are just arriving. Not many places or chairs available. I sit in the back, can't hear the teacher. A girl in front row is an ass kisser to the teacher.
    Then in the middle of the students, I spot my guru as a young boy, he is being teased by a indian kid pretending to be fishing.

    A guy who's been stalking me disappears, but I think he faked his own death and will come back to haunt me again

    Start dating my childhood crush Marco. We've been flirting for a while, I sit in the back of the classroom and so does he. One day he sits at a piano to serenade me and I sit by his side, feeling warmhearted.

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