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    30 Mar: revisiting my rebirth

    by , 03-30-2014 at 11:19 AM (672 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

    (...) I am playing some kind of game, following leads, finding clues, to unravel some mistery. I'm alone but competing with other teams. The last lead brought me to this hexagonal atrium, with scupltures in wall niches, decorations on the walls,
    and the clues I have is "9" and "ice". I look around to find anything that relates to these clues. I see a stone roman nine on a wall and what seems like and ice cristal. I press them, hoping to open some door or something, but nothing happens.
    Then a couple of other teams appear and they have different clues, but they also follow my logic and start pressing others numbers and symbols. Nothing happens.
    Then I have the feeling I have been here before and this hasn't worked, so I reason that the answer is cooperation. We all found clues and together they form a password. I suggest this to the others, only a couple of blond girls thinks I am probably right, the others think I just want to still their clues. But after a while of everyone trying their own ideas with no sucess, they consider trying my idea. We try different combinations and I say them out loud. When I pronounce the right one, my voice sounds like a thunderous angel's voice. It shakes the fabric of the universe, it shatters the place we were then. And I find myself in this ohter place, strangely looking like a diner or cafeteria in the 60's. I look around, trying to figure out what's this about and I see my grandparents, younger than I've ever met them. I stare at them and my grandmother looks at me with a frown, like "what are you staring at?". I have the feeling this was the moment when I chose my family, before my parents had even met. When I feel this certainty within me, I then feel like I'm transported to heaven's waiting room, where I am pampered and all my needs attended by incredibly polite waiters. I sit at a bar and I am served nice cocktail drinks I don't even ask for. They also ask me what I want to eat and they offer me seafood, which I reject and ask for something vegetarian instead. But they tell me all the "animal-like" food they have in this place does not come from real animals. No living animal was actually killed, this food is materialized as it is. I still don't think it feels right and I don't eat it. Then a boy sits by my side and starts flirting with me. Says he is a huge fan, I soon realize he is more than that. He is becoming annoying, so I tell him politely that I'm not interested, but he makes a scene, throwing dishes with food on the floor, on his chair, all over me. The nice waiters come immediately to help me, they clean up everything and about my dirty clothes, I understand I just need to imagine a new set of freshc clothes and they instantly replace the dirty ones. He is kicked out from this place. But eventually I decide to get outside of this "waiting room". I go fly a bit over a forest outside, but soon I am shot from the middle of the trees. It fails to hit me, but then more shots follow and I have trouble avoiding them. I fly away to a nearby city, but all the people there look alike and they all turn to me and try to hit me. They don't have guns, but they throw anything else at me. At first I just dodge, but after a while I'm getting sick of it and start catching and throwing back. And I don't fail and they fall and I weaken him/them.
    Then the time comes... In the middle of the chaos, appears like a nursing room and symbols of my childhood to come. I see a box with toys and the barbie doll ballerina that I will have and hold in my memory 'till this day.
    Then the dolls become real women experiencing sexual ecstasy and I am being pulled into a vortex. As they reach orgasm simultaneously, I also experience an orgasm and as my body spasms, I wake up.

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