31 Mar: Refugee in a post apocalyptic world
, 03-31-2022 at 09:01 AM (198 Views)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP
Feels like a post apocalyptic future. I am at a small village and we're attacked by people from another town. Everyone is slaughtered, except me. I manage to escape and hide in a creek. I get rescued by a couple people who tell me to come with them to the next city or the attackers will eventually find me, as they are coming this way. I accept the help. They take me to their home and then ask me to stay hidden. Someone knocks on their door and it's the bad guys. So this town is where they actually come from. They suspect some villagers might have come here looking for refuge and they are goingdoor to door asking their citizens to cooperate denouncing any case they are aware off. But my new friends are good people and actually rescue refugees. They tell me their plan to integrate me in their community without being noticed, but it will be a slow and risky process.