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    7 Jul: Part of a James Bond movie

    by , 07-07-2021 at 04:22 PM (228 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    Watching a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig and feeling excited because it feels so real. I am wondering why these Bond movies feel so relatable and then realize it's how we immerse with the characters and become part of it. And I literally do and start hovering over a character who is friend of James. James is contacted by a dude and this character/me joins him on the street to meet such dude. The dude tells him "walk with me" and as they both walk a few steps ahead of me, I listen to their conversation. So the dude talks about the development of some kind of paper that can be stretched infinitely. He takes James to a bar and they sit on the counter. I sit by their side. He hands him a small pamphlet and tells James how to expand it. Just like a window on a tablet, James pulls the corners outwards to enlarge it and becomes a full A3 paper. It's a neat trick but why is this so top secret dangerous? Then he says we have to go for a walk again. Meanwhile the lady bartender flirts with James and he flirts back, but does not intend to pursue a romance with her. Yet she says she'll call him. He is like "How?" and recalls he handed a business card to the other guy and maybe got distracted for a second and she reached out and took another one for herself.
    Anyway, once outside I get detached from the character I was immersed in and become my own self and a friend of said character. We again walk behind James and the other dude and we listen to them talking. So the dude says the big deal is that they managed to reproduce and apply that same technology to virtually anything besides paper. So imagine unlimited food and unlimited oil. Anything physical can be replicated and grown indefinitely from one sample or specimen. Then we start to see why he is in danger and why this is so dangerous. They cross the street and head for the entrance of some high security property and we lose them cause they don't wait for us and the sliding door shut behind them and the stone walls around are high as fuck.

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