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    9 Jul: Snake in my bedroom, secret society in school

    by , 07-09-2022 at 12:09 PM (200 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    Dreaming I am sleeping at my downstairs bedroom and I wake up and see a snake near the bed. I have a pile of chairs on a corner with more stuff on top and she is coming out of it. I yell and my dad appears and grabs her. I tell him to throw her outside the fence but not hurt her, but as usual he just kills her. Then he complains about the mess in my house and how it creates hiding spaces for snakes. I explain there is no way they can get inside the house that it becomes a problem and that we should focus instead on figuring out how this one got inside. Secretly I wonder if there are more in the house.

    Watching the tv show Friends, first season, but in this version they are still high school kids. I then become one of the characters and the school experience is a total nightmare. In the classroom, the teacher doesn't teach, he just hands out written info that we have to read and figure out. Then I go to the bathroom and all the toilets are side by side with no stalls dividing or providing privacy. I have a meldown and head for the exit looking for a quiet place. I encounter a group that runs some secret society in the school. I try to hide from them in a storage room, but I am caught. Yet they are not trying to hurt me, they think I am someome else from their society, so they hand me an outfit I must wear, in black and white polka dots. Some kid drops a wand and a small toy object and I hand it back to him. He then swallows the little toy and chokes. I do CPR and save him. I go around looking for some bathroom, hoping they have a better one, but there is only one toilet and some daly with diarrhea is in there. Then I accidentaly enter a room intended for higher level attendees of the secret society and they basically kill people. I fear for my life.

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