Bonnaroo, Dump Truck
, 11-13-2019 at 01:51 PM (377 Views)
I have to be at Bonnaroo. I'm walking around outside in a huge open space and there are tons of people. I'm looking for a bathroom. I think I'm with some other girl who is not my wife. I get to a bathroom and it's not like at real Bonnaroo where it's just portapotties. Well, there was a nice actual bathroom there, maybe that's where I was. So I go into a stall and there was something weird about it that I can't remember. Not like there was no toilet paper, because that was a real thing. Man I wish I could remember what was going on in that stall. Anyway, I leave the bathroom and walk out and there are people putting down like... one inch wide by maybe three inch long strips of green... construction paper looking stuff.... all over the dirt ground. Putting it down and raking it all over the ground with rakes. I think it is supposed to grow grass for next year. Feels like the festival is over at this point. I run into a couple of girls and one of them grabs my nose and shakes my face around! I am AGHAST that some stranger would do this to me. I swat her hand away and she says don't you remember me? And she says her name is not like... something... and then I say, yeah! YASMINE! (no idea how I come up with that!) Next thing I know I'm walking around like this museum like exhibition hall that has huge LED displays advertising some new movie that's coming soon. I'm with my Dad and I'm telling him, yeah, this is Bonnaroo, well the post-Bonnaroo exhibit. And I'm looking around, and it's a merch shop. There's a section selling replicas of the belts that wrestlers win. Side note - totally NOT into wrestling. So I walk out of that area and see like a concession stand, and everything's fuzzy and I wake up.
Dump Truck
There's a dump truck with lots of like... grainy gray material in it like sand but bigger particles and someone's stuck in it. I look around for help and see that it must be some bad guys, they're trying to stop me from saving the guy that's trapped in the truck. So I steal a car that was sitting there with the keys in it. It's hard to steer, but I finally get it going. Then I crash it somehow, get out, but before I'm out, I take anything of value that I can find including a pair of steampunk like sunglasses and a pair of like Disney Finding Nemo sunglasses. So weird. I think I catch up to some people as I flee the scene and give away both pairs of sunglasses to people.