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    House Guest, Blockbuster Video, Outer Space

    by , 11-28-2019 at 03:45 PM (409 Views)
    House Guest

    It feels like I'm in my old room at my parents' house. I'm in the room to start off, and there are string lights strung across the ceiling, but only over the bed. The walls are white, and I think all my furniture is there, like my two dressers. There's someone in my bed and they're waking up. It's Lane that I worked with at my last job. I told him that I needed the bed linens to wash them, and I'll get him a different set of sheets. I sit down on the edge of the bed and start talking to him, but what about I don't remember. I laid down and got comfortable and looked up and said that I think I could use more lights in the ceiling as I'm staring up at them and talking. They're doing a nice criss-cross across the ceiling. I notice that I don't have the ceiling fan anymore.

    Blockbuster Video

    I'm at my old job at Blockbuster Video. Could have been Hollywood Video, but I don't see any logos pointing my in either direction. I feel like the rental boxes may have been black and white, though, which would indicate Hollywood, but there is someone working there in a bright yellow polo shirt, which would indicate Blockbuster. I suppose I'm at work and not just renting a movie. There is a counter in the center of the store, kind of circular, with people in the center checking people out. There is someone at the front entrance asking people if they need help and greeting them on the way in and saying goodbye as they leave. There are some people that want to get checked out that somehow made their way to the inside of the checkout area. I ask them to get out and stand on the other side. They have five videos. I start opening them each up one by one to make sure the right one was inside. Go figure, there's one that isn't correct. I told them, "that's why we check when they come in and check when they go out!" Someone must not have checked this one on the way in. The outside said Aladdin and the movie inside was The Coin which I'd never heard of. I start to look for where it is on the shelf so that I can see if Aladdin is in one of The Coin's boxes. Everything is alphabetical, so it was easy to find. But all the movies were gone from behind the boxes for The Coin. Julia Roberts stars in it, her picture is on the cover box. There was one row of regular movie, and one row of a special edition, two tape version, but they were all checked out.

    I must have gotten distracted from finding the right movie. I see some folks heading out the door. It's a breezeway entrance, where there are two sets of doors. The greeter was saying goodbye to three people. Two guys have small skateboards sort of attached to one foot, held on by a rubber band. On the outside of each of their one foot strapped on by the rubber band is a pack of Wrigley's Doublemint gum. Not just one pack, but a whole box. I pointed it out to them and they said, "well, it's hard to carry this in one pocket, so this works." I figured they stole them from the store, and didn't think anyone would either see it on their feet, or would see it and just not say anything about it. I didn't do anything about it. Whatever. Take the gum if you need gum so bad.

    Outer Space

    I'm floating in space, and it seems like I'm on a mission. I'm with a guy, and he's in a suit like Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy. There's something up ahead and it's ever so gradually shooting pulses of energy at us. I can feel it coming on waves. There are three silver orbs about the size of a basketball with different color lights in a ring around the center. All I have to do is think about where I want to be and my body floats over there. I float over to one of the orbs and it has green lights. The others are orange and yellow. I start talking to it, like, "hey what are you?" and I can feel what it's trying to say to me, not hear it. Or I hear it in my head, but it's not out loud. I feel like this could have been really cool, but I woke up. Ugh.
    Lang, xdr3amer and Letaali like this.

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