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    Making it Rain, Shaving Ryan's Arm, Fireworks Turn into Strange Things

    by , 11-19-2019 at 01:38 PM (398 Views)
    Just real quick bc I have to get ready for work -

    I'm standing in what seems like some part of VCU (again, wth) and I'm with one of my coworkers, Maggie. I have a small, about the size of my fingertip, purple stone. I hold it in front of me and it levitates. I blow on it and it starts spinning in mid air. Nothing else happens. Maggie stands facing me and we try again. She blows and I blow, and then all these clouds start forming and it starts drizzling. We run around the corner and leave the stone there in midair spinning. We peek around the corner and see that it's thunderstorming. So somehow I lose Maggie and I run to some apartments. I think one of them is my boss, Mario's. I don't even knock, I just go right in. It's your typical college apartment, but it's real sparse. Just some chairs, and some stoned guy sitting in a recliner. I go to another room somewhere and there are people playing Dungeons and Dragons. My wife's there playing. Somewhere in this scene, my dogs, who do not play together bc the bigger one is a little aggressive, are actually getting along and playing nicely.

    We walk out the back door and Ryan asks me to shave her arm. I have electric clippers, like real small ones that you use on your pubes. So I start shaving her arm for her. She's suddenly got way more hair on her arm than usual. No wonder she wanted me to shave it. There's a crazy guy talking to himself in the alley.

    Now I'm in my mom's living room. There's some people over and they want to do fireworks in the living room. I say, no way, do it on the deck. So they take it outside and light it, nothing really happens, it's like a sparkler sticking out of what looks like a soup can. Then the sparkler is all done and the can rolls on its side and a baby's head starts coming out of the soup can. WTF. Then there's not even a whole baby that comes out, I look away, and it's a REPLICA of my dog Elle. She's trying to get in the house at a screened in part of a window. She's like scratching underneath it to come in. Real Elle is confused and looking at Replica Elle trying to figure it all out. I feel fearful. Replica Elle gets in and turns into a human person, a guy I used to work with, Ben.

    So freaking weird.

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