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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Shapeshifting my Way To Lucidity

      by , 07-30-2013 at 02:49 PM (Streaming My Utopia)
      On a quick starting note I want to register the different approach I will be taking to my DJ. I wanted it to be about the cool adventures and accomplishments I end up having in my lucids making for a mostly entertaining reading experience, because of that I haven't been recording most of my lucids. From now on, every lucid I have will eventually be here, unless of course it involves something I'm not comfortable sharing.

      Moving on

      30/07/2013 - DILD

      I was walking with another guy who like me was a shapeshifter, we were aware of a group of men following us and we decided to make a run for it. They catched up to us and grabbed the guy that was with me, he could shift into a wolf and they wanted him to run with them (similar to the concept of shifters in True Blood), they were bad news and we didn't want nothing to do with them so I told him to escape first, I would divert them and when it was time for me to go I would use my ability to loose them.

      I ran but they easily catched up to me everytime. At some point I faked falling and even let out a little scream to make my point more convincing. When they got down on the ground to pick me up and make their capture I quickly ran away thinking about how I would make my shift happen. I just remembered "If I stay calm, have no doubt and just move accordingly I will shift easily". In a fraction of a second I took a little jump into the air and instantly shifted into an owl, from running to flying, no breaks.

      I landed on the top of a building of the pretty village I was in. Due to the nature of events, I was lucid. The scenary around me had a very blue feeling and appearence to it, mostly due to all the rooftops of the many houses around being that colour. There wasn't a single soul to be seen on the streets (get it?).

      I decided to stabilize. I looked at my hands throughly, they looked mostly normal and along with the scenario they increased in detail and vividness as I inspected them. While I did this I was making affirmations like "Clarity now. I anchor myself to lucidity and the dream". I was satisfied with the feel and added details of the dream but I suddently started to feel like some "wind-like" force was shaking me a little bit back and forth on the top of the building, since it wasn't really windy I wondered what that could be. I would soon find out since...
      It was precisely 5:30 am and my alarm was waking me up to go to work.

      Sweet dreams!
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    2. Introduction / Short LD

      by , 06-20-2013 at 01:57 AM (Streaming My Utopia)
      This is my first DJ entry so I just want to make a couple of introductory notes regarding it. First, this will be a lucidity only journal (unless an extremeely memorable NLD comes up). Second, this is a no holds barred journal meaning that everything from sex to violence and wicked behavior will be (properly) shared here should they cross my playground, god forbid they do.
      Third, you are all welcome here if you want to kill a little time!

      Okay so to my first lucid dream since my last comeback to dream training and taking some time to exclusively build up decent recall.

      09/06/2013 - DILD

      I was at the beach with a group of guys that I know, we were sit down close to the sea just relaxing and chatting, each of us was messing around with some sort of smartphone, waves coming to our legs and then going back as they naturally do. I spotted a small increase in the size of a wave forming and exaggerated it a little bit in my mind thinking it was gonna catch us, it just did and now people's phones were wet and their owners pissed.
      The dream skips (or my memory does) and I'm just walking around the beach alone. It now seemed more obviously like the beach of an island with exotic vegetation around and all the pretty sights. I was sort of jumping and leaping in the air and I looked at the view and it was really intense and pretty, I spontaneously became lucid. I got excited, this was my first LD recalled in quite a while but still pretty calm and collected, "good to be back". Like I always do by default (I'm now changing that) I started simply trying to take short flights and big jumps, I took off once and I decided to take a good leap (regardless of my waking life mild fear of heights) and I did but suddenly I was flying close to ground level again, what? I immediately attributed this to my anxiety which has frequently cut my flights short both in height and duration but this time I said "f*** it, I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go high", I did for good this time. I was at the level of the top of a small stone tower (still high by my standards but nowhere near "big city heights") and just as I got there I decided to go on top of it so I put out my hands spiderman style and intended to shout some webs and pull myself there, even though I didn't see any web I got there that way.
      While on top of the tower I was feeling a bit like "lion king" in my fairly effortless comeback to my dream world so I decided to shout into the air a big, resounding and powerful "fus ro dah" which would shake the whole dream, it didn't, what it did shook was myself making me slightly afraid of falling down. How ridiculous LOL
      So what I did was I crouched like spiderman with the intention of getting my hands stuck to the floor with "my web substance" to ground myself and safely shake the scenario! As I opened my mouth and inhaled for the biggest thunderous shout ever I.....
      woke up.

      More to come xD
      lucid , non-lucid