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    At Grandmothers

    by , 12-13-2010 at 11:04 AM (675 Views)
    I was in my grandmothers kitchen with my grandmother and my aunt. They were talking some stuff my aunt wasn't feeling good for some reason and she asked my grandmother if she had to see a doc, she answered with a med name I'm sure I listened well but I can't remember. Afterwards I was looking for a glass while I heared my aunt mention that 257.521 pesos would be enough so she could raise another child, I went back at the fridge and started checking how much watts it used... mmm it said manufactured year 2006 , I remember my grandmother had that fridge for a lot more time than that, I saw the amps 3.9 ... that's way to little for a fridge. Then I remember taking ice out and serving me some coke, then I woke up.

    The first thing I did after waking up was serving me a glass of cold juice, boy was I thirsty .

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