Tuesday 27th Pirate treasures n stuff
, 07-29-2010 at 04:24 AM (585 Views)
I was in some sort of RPG game, well it looked like it, I was in a chamber that had one door Blue wood, like two half circles, the floor was like hard rock, I went in a direction and I thought that I missed a route , I was with two other people their that I don-t recognize now. I went to take the route I hadn't and it went downwards, I went down it till I saw I was in a cave with a hell-a lot of pirate ships I saw they had lots of treasures maps and stuff, so I cheered and thought I'm gonna be rich , suddenly a pirate girl came and started talking to me like an NPC and she said that they could sing a song from the pirate map , in the center of the map their was a circle like a ring, that had the lyrics written around it.