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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Dragon Bridge - Encounter

      by , 05-28-2014 at 09:23 AM
      In all my life, I can recall two dreams about dragons. The first was in childhood and the dragon was something more like Godzilla. The second is the following dream I had a few months ago and neglected to post to Dream Views.

      I was walking across an abandoned bridge. It was clearly abandoned as there were broken down cars and a number of makeshift shanty homes on it. It was day light and the sky was bright but completely overcast. I didn't see a single person on the bridge. As I walked along the bridge I looked over the edge. Below, on the shore was a forest and more shack-like homes. I saw this rouge-ish looking woman with red hair standing with a rugged looking man.

      They spotted me and started anxiously motioning to something in the woods behind them. Out from the woods, crawling on all fours was an enormous gray dragon. Around its neck was a frill of flesh like a lizard. It was around the size of a full sized bus. As soon as I got a clear view of it, I took off running further down the bridge.

      I recall thinking, "I doubt it can make it up here quickly." It looked too massive for much speed and it wasn't walking particularly fast. I got to section of the bridge that actually had multi-story apartment-like buildings. I ran to it, turned the corner, and hid behind a cement support column. I thought I lost it. I waited a few moments and peaked around the column.

      Rounding the corner, completely silently was the dragon. It was opening its mouth, which looked like an enormous black beak. Its eyes were black with some white showing and it looked intelligent. An enormous burst of flames came steaming out of its mouth directly at me. It was a furious fire filled with wind. The wind generated by the breath, apart from the fire seemed dangerous and absurdly powerful.

      I pulled back in time to avoid the flames but the cement column I was standing behind was breaking apart like cheap plaster.

      I suddenly had the sense that I was not just confronting a dragon. But something very evil. Perhaps even the devil. The fire was still blasting past me. Some strength started building inside me. I felt the power to strike back even though I was unarmed.

      I looked into my right hand and concentrated. A black energy started to draw inward to a single point in the center of my palm. An energetic black sphere started to form. It grew to about the size of baseball.

      As soon as the fire stopped, I leaned out from around the corner and threw the black fireball as hard as I could directly at the dragons face. It exploded with such force the dragons head violently flung backwards and it made an expression of shock. I took off running into the apartment complex. I came to a wood door which I entered and locked behind me. The door lock was very old fashioned, and weak. I looked around and was in a run down bathroom. I could hear the dragon forcing its way into the hall way. The flimsy wooden door trembled with its footsteps. I recall thinking, if it can smell me in here I am caught for sure.

      -Then I woke up.

      Updated 03-26-2015 at 09:22 AM by 32174

      memorable , side notes
    2. Horror: Cthulhu Bugs

      by , 11-14-2013 at 04:30 AM
      I almost forgot this dream. I had the impression I had dreamed about grotesque insects. I was tempted to not remember it. Somehow, something I saw while driving refreshed the memory.

      I was in my spare room. It is mostly empty and looked like it does in real life. -Expect for two piles of dirty laundry in front of the closet door. They looked like piles of dirty oily rags. Something you would use on a car. Sitting plain as could be between the piles are two plastic cylinders filled with clear water. One was almost empty, the other was mostly full.

      Escaping the mostly empty 'tank' was something like a giant albino pill bug mixed with a silverfish. Except slimey and fleshy. They scattered when I spotted them.

      For some reason, I felt more worried about the inhabitant of the second cylinder tank...

      I picked it up using both hands and held it up to get a close look. Floating up the surface was something very difficult to describe. It was elongated, lopsided snail-like thing fused with a clam. It had a tiny human-like face with dull black eyes. It was mostly snail brown with darker blurry stripes, and a slightly translucent shell. I had the impression two lived the tank. But only saw the one.

      I recently started looking through HP Lovecraft writings. The monsters described in the lore are notoriously difficult to depict or comprehend.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 06:15 AM by 32174

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    3. Nightmare: Evil Monsterous Party Crashers

      by , 10-15-2013 at 11:47 AM
      The visuals were realistic and colorful. The beginning of this dream is lost, as usual..

      I was at some sort of garage party... This was a garage made up of various garages and garage parties I've attended. At the party were a few people I know in real life, and other random dream characters. The place was complex and dingy. In real life I wouldn't have been thrilled to be at this party. I barely recall interacting with anyone.

      At one point I decided to step outside for a change of scenery. Outside looked like the backwoods of some remote county. There was a healthy green lawn, tall white-bark leafless trees, and only one neighboring house, which was really more shack than house. (*Recall gets hazy at this point*)

      Out of the shack, come the next door neighbors. Three men who looked like sinister cast members on the show Swamp People. (A show I've not watched a single episode of yet.) They were big, and glaring at me with absolute hatred. I realized that disdain for their appearance might be showing on my face, and fueling mutual repulsion..

      I looked one of them up and down for something to compliment him on. I thought it would lighten the mood. He was wearing dirty jeans. Muddy boots. A stained and ripped jean jacket. A very old darkened flannel shirt, and a vest that looked like it was made in the 1950's. He had wild hair. Yellow teeth and dirt on his face with very blood shot eyes.

      I said "I like that vest."

      He looked at it, somewhat taken off guard by my remark. He didn't thank me, but when he looked back up at me he had this half puckered expression that revealed his rotten teeth. It wasn't a smile, but it was better than the 'I want to kill you right now' look on his face before. I started to walk back towards the party, the three men followed me a ways.

      I said "We're having a party, you guys can probably come for a few beers." They seemed slightly curious, but not impressed.

      I walked back to the house, opened the side door and walked back in to the dark garage. The guy with the vest leaned inside to have a look. There was now blood everywhere, and no sign of the party goers. I felt very uneasy. I ignored the neighbors and bolted inside to see what happened..

      Near the back, there was trough filled with water about a foot deep. There were a number of people in the trough standing and fighting off what appeared to be something like skinless gremlins about 3ft tall. And the people were losing. Blood was splashing. Lights were flashing. Music was playing. It was like a twisted dance floor. As I watched in disbelief, a more powerful looking skinless gremlin with a bulging oblong brain leaped from a rafter and sliced another gremlin in dozens of of pieces with its steel straight edged elongated claws.

      I was fighting off being horrified. It turned and faced me directly. It was hideous. About 3.5 feet tall. Humanoid. It had yellow cats eyes. Wicked snaggle-tooth fangs and a huge visible brain. No hair. No fir. Just exposed. Bloody. Densely packed muscles. It looked agile and a little bit stocky.

      I said "Why did you kill one of your own?"

      It said in a raspy voice "He was going to die soon anyway."

      I pulled out a pocket knife and said "What happens if I stab you in the brain?!"

      It said "Try it."

      I stabbed it in the brain. He rolled his eyes up to look at me. I pulled out the knife and stabbed it again further back and with more force. It acted disoriented by the second attack. I staggered back reeling with disgust. After another moment, he regained composure and started to climb out of the pool to follow me. Now, I ran. Strangely into a small room with a TV. I looked at the TV remote.

      I said
      "I want to change the channel. I don't want to see these things anymore." --Then I woke up.

      I have not had a nightmare since I last posted one on Dream Views. When I woke up, I felt perfectly calm and well rested. This is the most complex dream I clearly recall in about the past year.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:08 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. Dreamland: Hot Sex with my Ex-Ex-GF

      by , 10-15-2013 at 03:55 AM
      Auto-hypnotic suggestion is almost as good as any other recall technique for me. Showing up at Dream Views and reading a few dreams has numerous times helped my recall and lucidity. Last night, I also woke up for about an hour partly due to lower back pain. The dream was very realistic, but I wouldn't say hyper realistic. I've only experienced a handful of dreams I consider to be hyper realistic here on Dream Views. I don't usually post dreams with sexual content, but this was a good one. I rarely recall dreams about sex when I'm in a relationship, but I've been single for the past month.

      As usual, exactly how this dream started is lost...

      I was in a very nice apartment or large central bedroom. It could be described as a bedroom setup in the middle of a sunken living room. There were bookshelves with various items. Several open doors leading to other rooms. The decor was fun but matured looking. Gray carpet. There were shafts of light coming in from various places, so it appeared to be broad daylight outside.

      I was with my ex, ex GF. She looked well adjusted and emotionally and physically healthy. She was dressed in soft indoor looking clothes. Her hair, skin, and textured white shirt were very vivid. I don't recall exactly what we were talking about by I know it turned to us. We were both single. She was casually admitting her head was not on straight when we were together. I recall explaining that I had grown a lot since that time and wasn't proud of how I handled things either. There was a very warm, almost glowing feeling between us. I remember feeling like, we don't know a better place to put our hands but on each other.

      We started touching each other on the bed. Her skin, like before was incredibly smooth and tan. She seemed to be in slightly better shape, and she was in good shape to begin with. We melted into each other. I remember she was wearing loose fitting white shorts. She was not wearing anything underneath. I kissed her naval and slid off her shorts with no hesitation. I went down on her. She made the most sensual sounds. I was in a trance. She started to orgasm after a few more moments. She didn't want to yet. She resisted by saying a few words I don't recall. She did not move away or push me.

      I sat up and so did she. She looked at me filled ecstasy. She said something to me like, that was no fair. She slid her head down to my crotch. I was like stone. She put her mouth on me in a way that can be described as both filled with lust and hunger. Almost reckless, but shy of that. I was ready to come almost instantly. This felt real. She pulled away with a strikingly beautiful smile. I recall feeling slightly frustrated when she stopped. We snapped ourselves out of the trance and laid down together embracing. There was a strong feeling of agreement that we shouldn't jump into relationship mode again too soon.

      We fell asleep together. This was a dreamed sleep. I seemed to wake up later and the room was dark. I figured I just woke up in real life and lamented at the missed chance to have such an intense physical encounter. I stood up out of bed and looked back. There she was besides me, wrapped in a blanket, and sound asleep. I thought wow, this really is happening again.
      --Then I woke.

      Oddly, I had a very different dream about her almost exactly one year ago today: Dreamland: Lucid Corner & Ex-Ghost Fragment #2 I have not had feelings for her since 2007, and the dream a year ago reflects more the typical sort of dream she pops up in. This dream had an impact on my day. One of the most sensual dreams I recall having in many years.

      This dream falls into an old motif of my dreams: Bizarre Apartment
    5. A Tiny Robin

      by , 10-12-2013 at 06:33 AM
      I have been meaning to record numerous dream fragments over the past 6-months. If I had even one full-length dream, I would have posted it here. The best dream fragment I clearly recall:

      I was in my living room with a baby bird on my finger. It was facing me and chirping an adorable melody. It looked like a (thin) miniature Robin. I walked around a little watching it intently. I remember feeling filled with joy. -Then I woke up.

      One of my most vivid lucid dreams also featured a bird Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

      Updated 10-12-2013 at 06:42 AM by 32174

      Tags: baby bird, bird, robin
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    6. Dreamland: Forsaken Fish Tank

      by , 12-11-2012 at 01:16 PM
      I was starring at this murky stinking tank about 5-ft in length and 3ft in high sitting on a table in a laundry room. Inside it was: long grass, bugs, a few desperate looking fish, and most upsetting --two or three long dark colored eels writhing around. I remember feeling overpowered by the thought: "I forgot to take care of my fish..."

      It's been a long time since I owned an aquarium. I took good care of it, until I went to Clear Lake for a few days without a fish sitter... I was about 13-years old. When I returned... One aggressive fish had survived by eating all of the others. It must have really had an impact... I've had aquarium dreams over the years, but recently had a vivid dream about a huge fish tank that I've identified as an old recurring aquarium... I did not put the pieces together right away. The dream felt profound, sickening, and shameful.

      --I do not recall any other exact dreams about this tank, only strong but old emotions.

      Updated 12-18-2012 at 08:35 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Dreamland: Lucid Corner & Ex-Ghost

      by , 10-12-2012 at 03:15 PM
      I've had vivid dreams the past few weeks. Almost 100% forgotten. A few lucid fragments I clearly recall:

      Fragment #1:
      I'm walking to the corner of Cherry St along the sidewalk looking at houses. I get to the corner house and it's huge. It has boarded up painted gray windows. I start looking around comparing houses and realize: "This is a dream!" I leap off into the air flying about 15ft up. For some odd reason, I head towards my house (I think to get my map?), I see the rooftops of houses start to fill my view. The dream piece by piece fades into patches of gray fog, and ends.

      Cherry is also the street I had my first trained lucid dream on. I've had several lucid dreams in recent years that started on this corner. This represents a small but significant breakthrough for my Map of Dreamland objectives.

      Fragment #2:
      I'm in a strange house. It is sunny out, probably around 2pm. My EX-GF is there. She is dressed very gaudy. Pink scarf. Thick makeup. Half slut, half goofball. Not her style in waking life, but she looked very real, and so did the living room area we were in. This detail is hazy now, but the topic of her current BF comes up. That he may not be thrilled I'm in their home. I decided to leave by going upstairs (to avoid her BF?). I essentially fly up the stairs. When I reach the top, I see something that makes my blood run cold...

      Inside her 2nd floor kitchen was a hazy looking ghost of a woman. Rotating around the figure was a candle and something else. There was a female sounding whirring noise. I barely looked at this thing for 2 seconds when I went flying away. Down a hall, into a garage, out a side door into the street. I got a good distance a way before I looked behind me. I was alone in a peaceful looking suburb. It seemed familiar and connected to my city, but does not exist in waking life.

      Updated 10-12-2012 at 03:19 PM by 32174

      side notes , lucid , memorable
    8. Future Haunted Prison

      by , 06-27-2012 at 08:38 PM
      This is a dream I would pay money to remember in exact detail. It was very vivid, gritty, emotional, and at times completely irrational. Again, I want to blame something for my poor recall. So I mention this is additional support for my theory that: irrational dreams are especially forgettable. At the end of the dream things got super weird and my recall of those events is very spotty.

      A detailed beginning is completely forgotten:

      I was in a very old, run down, poorly light blue, futuristic indoor complex. It was large and imposing but looked darkened and vacant. I was determined to release a group of people from some kind of stasis prison. I seemed to know exactly where to go. I used some kind of stealth device to sneak into a giant room filled with rows of beds with wavy metal gates. I would say at least 60-people in rows stacked to the ceiling were in this large medical-like room.

      In the middle of the room, off to one side against the wall was a brightly (white) illuminated bed. The guard I was sneaking up on was laying on it with a blanket trembling with fear. I was going to knock him out when I noticed he was fixated on a point deeper into the room. When I looked I saw what he saw.. It was a ghost. A cloudy looking young man with an outstretched arm walking towards him in a distressed looking manner. I remember thinking, what are the odds I would come to release these people and a ghost would show up?

      There was a panel on the guards bed with an orange LED on it. I twisted the knob and all the bed grates began to slowly lower at the same time. The guard saw me when my stealth wrinkled. He was so terrified by the apparition he made no attempt to stop me.

      Things go completely hazy at this point...

      Next thing I know I am about to enter a "very" haunted area of the complex. I had a powerful high-tech camera with a large screen that allowed me to see in the dark. It was not the ugly green infrared look, it was a pale blue display and it was strikingly clear. When I looked without the camera, everything was almost pitch black. The hall was at least 20ft wide, went forward about 15ft leading to a small set of two or three stairs to a split-level hall leading to the left. The hall had many doors. I remember heavy dust in the air. Long rips in the carpets and clawed looking walls. It was much, much older and worn down than the rest of the complex.

      No sooner had I taken a few steps down the hall when I saw a flare of light on the camera. Then, a terrible sounding groaning noise started down the hall and two shabby looking ghosts turned the corner heading towards me. I put down the camera and looked. I saw nothing but I could hear the weird, disturbing moaning getting closer.

      This was too much. I hurried out of the hall the way I came. I shut the wooden doors behind me. I could still hear the moaning getting closer. I was standing in a bustling police station. Apparently, the "haunted wing" of the police station had been condemned... I announced, "Two ghosts are following me." Everyone reacted with irritation. I stepped away from the door and turned around. I could see the broken yellow police tape on the door.

      To my shock, the two homeless looking ghosts appeared in front of the door looking at me. I heard men yell with fear in the station. Somebody shot some kind of energy weapon that exploded sparks of light everywhere and one ghost vanished.

      At this point the dream gets very irrational and unstable. There was some weird thing about shooting a boot. A large plastic shotgun. And some huge super cop that could out perform everyone in the station, including me. I'm almost certain he "took out" the first ghost , and, took out the second ghost in a spectacular way which replayed/repeated like a sports highlight. --Then I woke up.

      Note: This dream has many common elements/dream signs: police, prison, desolate future, undead, LCD, and long halls. Even the poorly recalled super cop seemed like a trickster.

      Updated 06-28-2012 at 08:29 AM by 32174 (Clairifications, additional details, and proof reading.)

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Tribes: Ascend & The Devil

      by , 04-25-2012 at 01:44 PM
      I have become extremely addicted to the shooter Tribes Ascend which is a free online FPS with RPG elements like XP and leveling. I was dreaming about being in the game... I had a feeling I would because you can virtually fly in it, which sometimes inspires dream flight for me.

      The initial details are all but lost. I remember having a high-tech weapon and my GF was with me.

      In the middle of a futuristic outdoor daylight dream, we were suddenly transported (or entered a door) to a dreadfully unwholesome looking mansion with long corridors filled with maggots. This part I recall in fragments, but what I do recall is extremely vivid. At one point we had to crawl through these mini-halls and our hands were constantly crushing maggots into disgusting goop. My GF and I came clear of one, and came to a room with a set of gothic looking shelves stacking out of a heavily engraved desk-like piece of furniture.

      On the top shelf was something like a metallic engraved pot. Suddenly, a glowing tan colored image began to project out of it. The image was very poor at first, and then a solid dark gray leathery head appeared and announced:

      "I am the devil."

      The face was inhuman. Something like a classic gargoyle but the eyes were large and out of proportion. My GF and I looked at each other curiously. It went on to say something very similar to this effect:

      "I am the devil. There are a few matters to discuss. First, I will compliment the mathematical formula you have devised to divide any surface into equal triangles. You are commended, duly commence to share-ing-ly express this knowledge abroad." (He was speaking to my GF who is a math wiz in real life.)

      I turned to my GF and said: "Weird that the devil would use the word shareingly." (I am not 100% certain this is the exact word used in the dream, it was something very similar to "shareingly.")

      He continued "You both must be hungry. But as you can see, there is nothing to fill your stomachs in my domain...
      (I remember thinking, we could starve in this place.) Therefore, I will produce food to sustain you..."

      A beige cloud formed around the desk, then quickly dissolved. Two delicious plates of food were left placed. (See: Stealing Mexican Food.) We both dove in without thinking twice. I noticed that there was something pulsing at the bottom of my plate. Thinking back, it seemed the only thing to make food from was... maggots. With a sinking feeling, I looked at my GF's plate. She only had a few crumbs left.
      --Then I woke up.

      This is my 2nd dream featuring the devil in the past year. I don't recall any other occasions. The first was lucid, and isn't posted to Dream Views. This is the third Trickster dream posted to dream views.

      Updated 05-03-2012 at 10:41 PM by 32174 (Additional details recalled and links to food motif dreams added.)

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    10. Tsunami Fortress: (Semi-Lucid)

      by , 02-07-2012 at 06:26 AM
      I was in something like a beach front fortress at night.

      It was a beautiful night with stars, clouds, and moonlight. The fortress was more like a palace built to withstand an army. It was made of a radiant blue-ish steel. It didn't seem ancient: it was clean and well kept.

      I do not remember the details of this portion of the dream unfortunately. I was a guest; and honored for my mystical abilities. I have vague visuals of being escorted through halls and warm chambers and generally feeling delighted to be there. I recall I was asked by the "kings messenger" to help avert a crisis if I possibly could.

      I was informed: Tsunami's were coming that night and they wanted to know if I would be able to do anything about it... --I felt confident that I could.

      I was taken to a huge half-open metallic chamber that nearly met the ocean and sat directly on the beach. Waves would crash inside the chamber so that it was an area like an enclosed private alcove. I was left alone. I started to consider how I could affect the massive wave best. I started to use lucid logic...

      I can't just stop that much water directly. I have to use the energy from the wave against itself. (Almost word for word the thoughts running through my head.) I saw a moonlight wave bulging up near the horizon. I lifted by hands and clenched my fists as if to grab the underside of the wave. It quickly swelled up higher than 100ft: then I released, as if I was dropping the wave at the horizon. The tsunami disbanded. A tiny wave shot towards the beach and wet my feet.

      Another one was coming rapidly.

      This time I felt like I had the hang of it. As the ocean bulge reached the horizon, I grabbed the air with both hands, and threw it up like I was shaking out a sheet. The tsunami wave shot into the clouds: when it reached full height several claps of lightening erupted from the clouds and arched into the wave, and under the water, and thunder sounded.

      Once again a tiny wave rushed in and gently splashed my bare toes.

      A third wave came. I handled it the same as the second, but this time there were thick forks of lightening colored pinkish. It was spectacular. --Before the third wave rolled in completely:
      -I woke up.

      I don't recall being openly lucid. Although I categorize this as semi-lucid because I seemed to have working techniques for manipulating my dreams. As if this is a normal part of my waking abilities. I have caught myself flying dodge all number of things in dreams, and not get lucid thinking that I could "just do that."

      Note: This is my 3rd dream involving lightening bolts on Dream Views, and my 2nd dream involving a Tsunami.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 07:21 AM by 32174

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    11. Death & Military Service

      by , 02-01-2012 at 08:28 AM
      I was sitting in the second row of a memorial of some kind. My (real life) GF was sitting at my right side. A young black male dressed formally, about age 12 or 13, was pacing back and forth in a large auditorium filled with rows of people. He was giving a sermon about his Dad's military service.

      I don't recall the wording of what he said. I made a sly remark to my GF under my breath. We both chuckled, and looking behind me: I noticed a young woman crying. There were other faces who looked very sad. I started to realize the boys Dad must be dead...

      He paused to ask the crowd a few questions about people who choose to give their lives to serve in the military. I instantly chimed in and said (exact quote):

      "What about forgiveness?" -My voice cracked with the start of crying.

      "Because we have to forgive ourselves if we choose to fight and to kill." -Some people burst into tears around me. I immediately fell apart sobbing too.

      -Then I woke up. I felt perfectly calm, well rested, and not the least bit sad. Although when I told my Mother about this dream, she shed a tear on the spot. No one in my immediate family/friends has been in the military.
    12. Lucid: Lucid Dream School

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:11 AM
      I was sitting in a classroom, front row, with a group of students. It was a lucid dreaming discussion class. There were single bed/benches set up that looked medical. Me and another guy were talking about different powers in lucid dreams. We were to lay down to dream and start experimenting.

      I laid down and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and I was now lucid dreaming. I turned around and the guy from class was standing right next to me in a large wooden hallway. I was surprised he was there. I had the thought "I guess this is a shared lucid dream."

      The class assignment was to try out three lucid powers: flying was first: so we took off flying around the hallway. Walking on walls was next: so I walked up the side of one of the far wall. Last but not least was: force style lightening bolts. I struck first and was overwhelming my classmate with arch's of pinkish electricity. He was rattling and shaking and unable to respond in any way.

      I stopped and asked him if I was hurting him. He said "Not at all."
      --Then I woke up.

      I don't recall ever having a dream about walking on walls before, although my last lucid dream featured flying on walls at ant-view. This is only the 2nd dream I'm aware of that I was able to shoot force style lightening bolts.

      Supplements: Liquid Gel Multi-Vitamin, 500mg B5
    13. (W.I.L.D.): Dream LCD + Surface Flying

      by , 04-23-2011 at 09:31 AM
      I woke up from an intense dream in the 2nd REM stage that is completely forgotten. The only element I remember was some kind of monster, like a griffin, or a giant blue rooster. I couldn't fall back to sleep for an hour but there was no fear or uneasiness. I tossed and turned.

      When I finally fell back to sleep I unintentionally had a W.I.L.D.

      I remember thinking that visualizing certain shapes was causing dream quality images to run through my mind. I decided (logically or illogically) that thinking of curved lines was very dream inducing. I was seeing something like parchment with black inked looking curved lines. This gave way into a realistic view from my bed with my eyes open.

      Floating in space in front of me was a hand-held flat screen LCD TV. It was flashing various scenes as if flipping through channels. The device looked real and more elegant than any pictures of such devices I've found on Google. My room was dark, true to life, except for the floating LCD.

      A slightly cartoon-ish scene. A birds-eye view came on that featured a Rocket Ranger flying through a city full with skyscrapers. I thought cool, I want to enter this scene. I moved slightly closer to screen but then eased back into bed. Instead of entering the scence, several more Rocket Ranger type figures joined the first one and as a group were flying through a modern looking city via jet pack.

      My view seemed fixed, with only a slight range of motion. A new scene appeared on the small screen, it was of an old house with a darkened stair case. I thought "this looks interesting" and managed to move my view all the way up to the scene and merged into it.

      Now I was standing in a strange old, poorly light house I have never seen before. I was nearby a window and the view was very similar to the one from my grandmothers old attic window. Next to the window was a dresser covered in dust. I looked out and could see green grass and another building with no windows. For some reason I felt I couldn't go outside. I took a close look at the dusty dresser to test the detail level of the dream. It looked extremely real.

      Next I decided I wanted to fly along the surface of the walls. I was bodiless (again). I zoomed onto the wall as if from the point of view of an ant. I flew around the walls of this house and hopped across walls and doors. --Things get hazy at this point.

      Supplements: Liquid Gel multivitamin and 500mg of vitamin B5

      Updated 04-24-2011 at 08:21 PM by 32174

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    14. Lucid: Cloud Form (Not Humanoid)

      by , 04-18-2011 at 08:42 AM
      I am skipping one massively awesome lucid dream to record this one. The one I'm skipping for the time being I recorded onto audio and will be documented here or elsewhere at a later time. The reason being, it is personal, and it is finally evidence of attempted fulfillment of my lucid task from April 2010: recollection of suppressed dream memories while in a lucid dream.

      The following lucid dream occurred without supplements:

      I emerged from blackness by opening my cellar door.

      I clearly remember seeing the corner of the cellar door appear from darkness as I swung it open into the light of the garage. I stepped out and looked around. It was nearly identical to the way it looked over a decade ago. My grandfathers old brown Cadillac was parked there. I instantly knew "this is a dream!" I thought: this is very realistic and I won't be able to forget this moment.

      I decided to fly out of my garage to look for something interesting to get into. With ease I lifted into the air and flew up the stairs. When I reached the door I told myself "Fly through it, this is a dream and I don't need to turn the knob." I flew into the middle and everything just went dark -I didn't emerge from the other side. I backed up and decided to fly under the door instead, which worked with perfect ease.

      I flew through the entry hall and under the crack of the front door outside. I zoomed into the air about 15-ft and down the front walkway. When I reached the street I started to head down the block. When I passed my next door neighbors house I paused to think about if I wanted to explore it or not. I decided not to, on account of the fact that I did so in another lucid dream recently (Blackbird Flying).

      The house looked inviting and cooler than in real life. There were lots of lights on inside, and some looked futuristic. I noticed my reflection as I started to fly away. It was not human. I appeared to be a wispy tan cloud with two glimmering blue star points of light representing my eyes.

      I started to accelerate away from the house when I had an annoying thought... I have "900-things" to get ready for work Monday. I can't just fly away until they are ready... (Things get very hazy and I woke up shortly after this.)

      What a disappointment to loose this extreme level of lucidity to anxiety vaguely related to a large work assignment.

      Updated 04-19-2011 at 04:17 AM by 32174

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    15. (Hyper Real) Lucid: Lava, Tsunami, Smoke

      by , 04-09-2011 at 09:54 PM
      The only other dream I've had in the past year with visuals this realistic and intense was Nightmare: Alternative Life. I can't stress this point enough, the visual quality of this dream was so acute and vibrant it makes my regular dreams seem low resolution. It was extremely stable and consistent, and I'm at a loss to understand why these dreams are so much superior to ordinary dreaming.

      I was driving down a main road in the California Bay area called El Camino. It was late afternoon and there was traffic. The flow was moving slowly. The location I was in looked like mesh of two cities I regularly drive through. I looked over one of the rolling hills there which is covered with houses. Suddenly the ground started to violently shake and I heard a huge ripping rumbling noise that muted out all other sounds.

      A volcanic stream of gas and lava shot out from behind the hill far into the air like an oil well or water fountain. It was glowing red and orange and raining lava all over the area. I could hear screams and utter panic. Car began to drive off the road and out of lanes. I made a U-turn onto the sidewalk and my tire hit the curb hard and instantly I got a flat. I noticed a Police SUV was also attempting to use the side walk to get closer to the blast...

      Just then, another volcanic steam erupted further to the south behind the hill in the direction I was now facing. It became obvious the roads were too chaotic to to drive away on. I jumped out of my car and looked at my tire. It was destroyed. I looked around at the panic and chaos for a moment. I thought "There is no way I can rescue my GF or Mother." I heard a man screaming. I looked up at the hill and there in the distance a person was getting doused with lava.

      While he was burning to cinders a Tsunami wave rose up above the height of the hill (which was at least 100ft) I could see through the aqua-green water against the bright sky. It came crashing down through the lava streams and put out the crisping man while still in the process of turning to cinders. I turned and started running full speed in the opposite direction of lave fissures and Tsunami. I started desperately looking for something nearby to climb on top of.

      I saw a cement 2-story building just off of El Camino with a large climbable tree next to it. My plan was to use the tree to get on top of the building as quickly as possible. The tree and building were in a depression in the ground. I jumped from the sidewalk area directly into the tree. I turned back and the water was about 20-ft away and quickly came crashing into the building and tree. Instantly the corner of the building exploded into rumble. The roof started to collapse and the tree I was on lost several branches when the water struck.

      I jumped out of the tree still heading further east, out of the ditch like area and onto another segment of sidewalk, part of another street running east. Water and junk was pushing me forward. I fell on my face, got up, and started running across the street to another large mostly dirt hill. The shape of the terrain was causing the Tsunami to fan outward before completely flooding the street I was on, but there was still a shallow sheet of water and debris ramming against my back.

      I made it to the hill when I started to notice the intense heat coming from behind. The lava gas stream was now emitting hot black smoke and the earth was shaking. I was running up the dirt hill, and falling on my face every few feet. When I was nearly at the top, there was huge clouds of pitch black smoke drifting eastward and engulfing me and other people. My body felt exhausted. I fell again and could feel wind buffeting me from random directions.

      I had the clear thought: "Maybe God expects me to die this way."

      With my last once of energy I dragged myself to the top of the dirt hill. There were other terrified people staggering to the top of the hill. I looked out to the East towards the bay. The ocean was drawn back and there were rivers of lava merging with ocean water creating columns of steam.

      There were no other places to run.

      I thought, "I need to call my friends and family but I knew my phone had been soaked." I pulled it out of my pocket and sure enough it was completely dead. I looked at the front of it, and then the back of it, then the front of it again. My phone didn't look right. It was smaller and fatter than real life. On the front of the phone in big white letters was written: "3-Mega Pixels."

      I thought: "This is a dream! Because my phone doesn't look like this!" I was relieved, but I really wanted to see what this dream was leading up to so I put my phone back away and "pretended" I wasn't lucid. The lava, flood, and darkness subsided. Not everything was destroyed. There was an apartment building near the hill that's upper floors had survived almost unscathed. A group of people made there way over there as there was no real way to reach any other place. (Things get hazy at this point.)

      The survivors began to live in this apartment. Time elapsed in the dream. Days at least. I remember us living like rats. We were cut off, and no one came to help us giving us the impression that this disaster was on a global scale. People were so morbidly depressed I remember one bulky man ripping his shirt of and crying like a baby. I felt so awful for him that I assured him this was nothing more than a dream...

      After that, I walked out onto the balcony (a common dream location from my past) and looked out over the bay. Which had swelled larger from the Tsunami. I looked up at the stars and they were crystal clear. I could see the little dipper in the sky. I said out loud "Since I'm only dreaming, how about some meteor strikes now too?" --Nothing happened at first.

      But as I starred at the little dipper, a superimposed image appeared over it. A slow fade in of a traditional Santa Clause with a bag of presents and sleigh appeared. I was surprised and disappointed.

      Clearly this dream was influenced by the recent tragedy in Japan which I watched live as I was awake late that night.

      Supplement: Liquid Gel Multi-vitamin and 500mg B5 directly before bed.

      Updated 04-09-2011 at 11:20 PM by 32174

      lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
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