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    Gabe stood me up

    by , 02-03-2025 at 04:57 PM (54 Views)
    Last night I went to sleep very sad and depressed because I was acknowledging the fact that me and Kate weren't going to be a couple any more.
    So I went to sleep repeating a mantra in my head saying "Gabe I need to talk with you, share me your wisdom".

    The dream starts with me flying around my old neighborhood called Aranjuez, since I'm flying I know this is a dream so I'm kind of conscious.
    I'm in the sky feeling the air and flying the direction I feel the air touch my skin, I'm doing an exercise to become one with the air.
    Afterwards I start flying around because I remember I had a mission to find Gabriel and have a chat with him.
    Whilst I'm flying I see a parade with people dressed up has demons, it seemed it was Halloween, so I flew above them to observe what they were doing.
    Some of them were spitting fire from there mouth and others had whips in there hands. Then I was trying to fly past them when all of the sudden all of them noticed me and looked at me at the same time. This is when I realized that they were not dressed up like demons, they WERE DEMONS.
    The demon that had a whip in her hand used it to grab my foot from the air and brought me down to the ground. The demons surrounded me, they were about 6 of them. I got scared and screamed to the sky "Angel Gabriel I Invoke you, please help me" and nothing happened.
    Then I yelled "Angel Miguel I Invoke you, please help me" and also nothing happened.
    The demons were trying to hurt me but I didn't panic, I also remembered that I had special gifts in my dream so I did the following.
    I copied Ang from Avatar the last airbender and with the technique he used on the fire lord to take away his powers from him I went to a demon, placed my thumb on his forehead and said to him "return to the good person you were before being corrupted". This had an immediate effect as I could see how there eyeballs changed from a green dark color to a brown and more loving color, also they stopped being aggressive and got off from me.
    This worked well because I had full conviction that I could in fact turn them into good people.
    Then I went to a particular demon and got him right next to a wall, I placed my thumb on him and I repeated the same phrase as before. I was looking at him straight into his eyes. I could clearly see his eyes, he didn't have a normal pupil, he had a shattered pupil, with small fragments all over his eye. His shattered pupil was green. Whilst I'm trying to convert him I can see that the shattered pupil is coming together into a whole circular pupil again but he was fighting against it, like an exorcism, he resisted a lot and at last I couldn't convert him and left.

    I flew again and found a boy, for some reason I asked him if he knew the angel Gabriel and Miguel, he said Yes.
    I asked him where they were and he told me near the church. So I took him flying with me so he could point out the place. We got to the place and told me he bought the image of the angels for 30k each,
    The boy thought I was talking about the figure statue of the angels...
    Anyway I asked the lady if she could sell me the figures of the angels, She said NO.
    I told her I'll pay 30k for each one and she said NO.
    Then I offered 50k each and she said NO, she said "I won't sell them to you and if you want go search for them in D1".

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    non-lucid , memorable
