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    The Carnelian Brain and Tetherball Flight

    by , 05-11-2014 at 05:16 AM (535 Views)
    A woman is showing me the human brain. It is organic and fleshy, but some sections are metal. She's a teacher, and I'm drawn in to every word. She points out one area that is clearly defined, toward the center of the mass, and calls it the 'carnelian,' which is an orange-reddish semiprecious stone. She then proceeds to stimulate my own nervous system by stabbing a needle into the junction of my upper back and neck muscles. I feel awash with giddiness and strange energy. She passes me a stick, and I flip it several times and set it down. We are in a restaurant, several other women are about.

    I'm in a circle with about a dozen guys, several who are older than I, several who I have a rocky past with. A couple are wearing sunglasses, one has a giant visor blocking his face. We're all talking, the topic, I'm not sure. I write a prayer into a journal, then I realize that everyone has passed it around and read my deep thoughts that were meant for God. Maybe they were meant to be in on it. There's a hilarious and strangely ineffable segment that is of a video my friends made, with mirror-like properties.

    Many people are on a balcony, myself included. A tetherball hangs directly above. To start, the chef at the restaurant I work at (who's funny, young, crazy) tries to do a trick off a ramp on a BMX. He fails. A couple people come out on the floor below. I throw the tetherball and hit one, as we are playing 'dodgeball.' Then, I leap onto the tetherball. My weight makes it start to swing in long, wide circles, very fast. I'm careful not to hit the walls of the room. I twirl around and around in the air.

    Later, a girl asked if I spoke English (in English). Her and another started speaking in Spanish. A co-worker called me a pretty boy (probably not in a good way) and told me if I were to work out, I'd have nice abs. What a confusing ending, as I was abruptly awoken right after.

    Another set of dreams coming off ganj-smoking, so this 'REM rebound' phenomena is startling and incredibly vivid.

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