Me and my sister and other people who's faces I can;t see are outside and we have guns and we're shooting each other in the chest and shoulders and nothing happens. We laugh each time and when I was trying to shoot my sister and her trying to shoot me we're jumping around in this corner that is draped in shadow so we can;t see each other and I decide to just shoot randomly into the dark. And then I hear my sister cry out in pain, and then I panic drop the gun and drag her into the light and ask her whats wrong. She's holding her leg and says the two leg bones are broken and her ankle fractured. Someone tells us we need to take her to a hospital to have it wrapped up so the bones will heal back together, but me and my sister don't want to take her and want to wrap them up ourselves and now my leg is starting to mimic her leg wounds so we sit down and realize how dangerous that game was and hide the guns and think about how what if I accidentally shot her face, she would've died. (Dream changes) I'm at my grandmas house and these two egg looking people start painting my moms car black and my mom and uncle doesn't mind so they let them do it even though the paint isn't working right. Then we all get into the car, my whole family somehow. My grandpa goes to my sisters window and says he decided he wants to sit on her side and she convinced him. So I scoot from the middle seat, to the far left and we all fit in. The while waiting for my uncle I'm looking out the window and see the hugest fucking snake I ever saw and its brown yellow and black and longer then an RV. I yell to my grandma that there's a huge snake outside and she gets a shot gun while I'm still watching it and now its grabbed a duck off the ground and is eating it. My grandma shoots at it, I'm not sure if she hit it, but it quickly slithers away to the front into the tree's. Then m,y uncle takes the gun and acts cocky and says he'll go kill it, but we all worry because he hurts himself easily. Then time passes and we get out thinking the snake is eating him but then we see him so we get back in the car and my grandma yells at him for worrying her and then he throws the dead snake on top the car and I'm disgusted because some blood drops are now on the window from the snake. (Dream changes) Me and goldy(the twitch streamer) are walking on this train track and it's down in a two walled ditch. Then we hear a train coming and blowing it's whistle noise so we hide a little and then when it mostly passes we jump onto the last cart of the train. Then he pulls out a wooden train whistle and tries blowing it, but just air came out so he hands it to me to try, and I blow though it and it makes the train noise super loud and then the real train whistles one long one and then three short ones, so I mimic it and then the train driver pulls a lever or something because he made the cart we were on detach from the rest of the train and we see the train leave and ours starts to go out of control and flips to its side and crashes into the ditch walls and catches fire and me and goldy crawl away from it and sit and watch wondering what happened. We guessed that the wooden whistle alerted the big train the the cart was useless or damaged or something. So me and goldy get up and walk to his house(scene changes to his house) He knocks on the door, it's night time now. His girlfriend ally(twitch streamer) opens the door slightly and peeps her head out and asks where goldy's been and then lets us in. He explains to her what happened back with the train, and then ally takes me upstairs and shows me a bedroom I can sleep in for the night but there's other girls in there standing in the dark at the floor and it creeps me out so I ask her if i can use a bathroom and she giggles and says yeah that there's on in the room with the girl and one down stairs, so I tell her I'll use the one down stairs. I didn't want to go into the dark room. I go downstairs and forget about the bathroom and find some of my family sitting on a couch watching a huge tv. I sit with them and my cousin keeps asking me if I knew the things about the show he keeps telling me, and I'm like yeah because I know but get annoyed he keeps asking me things, so I get up and go into a kitchen and see that ally left a letter for me on the fridge but then my cousin runs in and grabs the letter before I can fully read it, I yell at him to give it back. That she wrote it for me and it could be important. But then he puts it into an red cow print notebook and then puts it into his pile of school crap. Then a large man comes into the kitchen asking whats going on and I tell him my cousin is hiding a letter meant for me for some reason and the big guy tells him to give it back but he ignores and smirks, so I push him to the ground and start for his junk, and then my cousin says fine that he'll give me the letter back. He give's me a paper and I can tell it's not the letter so I tell him that's not it, so he's pulls out a blue notebook and tells me it's in there and I tell him no, it's in a red cow print notebook, he looks annoyed that I remember. Then he stands there so I push him again and start looking for the letter but instead I find his binder notebooks that he wrote in them that he loves david arquette, so I point and smile and walk over to his brother but then my cousin calls him over first and I hear him say that I'm gonna try to use finding out he's bi against him to get my letter back. So I tell his brother to pretend like I told him something else that pisses him off and then my cousin gets confused so I grab the letter out of his hands a laugh and tell him that I told his brother nothing, then run into this room that has two tables and my cousin follows me but i just wanted to read my letter alone but mila kunis follows us and is pissed at me for stealing his paper she says. So I tell her it's a letter meant for me and show her and then she gets pissed at my cousin for lying to her because she was going to beat me up to get it back for him. Then we three are at the table and she's super angry and there's puzzles and coloring books now on the table we begin to do.
I'm in a Walmart, I'm slinking around the isles and clothing racks because I feel like I'm being watched. Then I see that there is a big commotion in the center of the store so I sneak over and view from behind some things. It's a low stage covered in a red cloth. Some people are sitting on the ledge telling the people standing around it that there is one zombie in the store and that we need to seclude it before it spreads. Then as people as talking a few zombies clumsily goes after some of the people. Me and some people run for the exit of walmart and there are workers only letting the unaffected people out, after a brief search or my acting normal and also for bites they let me outside. Outside I see some zombies attacking people walking around the parking lot doing normal things. The people don't seem to panic until a zombie specifically targets them. And when a zombie does attack them they scream, run, try to fight the zombies off them and everything expected. As I'm watching this mess in the parking lot a zombie forces itself on top of me and I topple over and it tries to bite my face, but I keep it as far as I can with my hands and then roll a little to my right and shove it off of me with the gravity, then jump up and sprint straight through the parking lot. The scene slightly changes and I'm now on the side walk near an old fashioned looking movie theater. It's as though I've run far enough to where the disease hasn't gotten to in this town. I can see into the theaters open door and see a girl that in my dream I know. She's sitting at a table having food with two people a girl and a boy. For some reason I become angered at myself for not being the one with her at this theater, and angry that I haven't told her about the zombies that are spreading and the fact that now I can't walk up to her. So now old friends from high school show up and make me go into the theater with them to see a movie, I have to walk past her and we give each other a strange look. One of confusion and sorrow. Then I just run down the long restaurant area with many booths. It's dim in here and I sense something weird in a lot of theses people. Like I already know they'll be diseased soon and want to eat me. They already have that sinister look. I open the doors to the theater room and all the seats are already nearly full. So I find a seat next to this girl I used to know who liked me but I didn't like. The whole time I never noticed the movie I was just focused on how the girl I liked was suddenly in this theater seated two rows ahead of me to the left, and trying to brush off this other girls advances who's seated next to me. I eventually notice that everything I tell this girl next to me, she immediately gossips about to two girls next to her so I panic a bit and get up and walk through the row the the end left of the room to exit, but then this big blonde haired guy swings his head towards me and his eyes widen and he jumps up and attacks me making the same zombie noises the other zombies where making. Some people in the seats jump up and push off me and I slam hard against the floor and look up to realize some of the other seated people have turned, and are going after people. We all rush out of the theater room and I'm out first, but then I remember the her and shoot back into the room and she's still in her seat covering her head so I grab her arm and we run out and running through the booths area they're all zombies and dragging people by their arms into the booths and we almost make it to the exit, but in the rush we get pushed into a booth and we sit there with our heads down hoping the zombies attention wont be drawn to us. But then a zombie jumps on us so I kick them off and we run out the theater. I see three motorcycles, bicycles, and then this golf cart. For some reason I thought it a better idea to take the golf cart instead of a faster motorcycle. So me the girl, and now for some reason hank hill and bobby hill are on the golf cart driving out of this mess, zombies now everywhere. The scene changes a little and we're driving on cliff side roads that have sharp unexpected turns. I have hank hill lecturing me on the road and -panicking behind me the whole time. Every time he says something I almost drive off the cliff. The scene changes again and we make it to this area of open desert, but the dirt has lots of tired marks depicting somewhat a road. I stop in this circle that's surrounded by lots of dirt paths, lots of ways to go. It's like a compass, and when you look down at the floor these brown arrows move closer to sight and say what is ahead each way. Hank Hill says Billbur City sounds like a smart way to go. We image it to be big, populated, and new. But when we get there it is completely deserted, old, deteriorated. Although there are lots of tall deteriorated buildings. We see a man walking down the street with his head down towards us. Bobby yells to him "HEYYYY". And then it shoots its head up and sloppily sprints to us and we realize it is a zombie and that must be why the city looks like this, then zombies star coming from inside buildings at us, and we speed in the golf cart through allies and junk. There's old buses, tires , and crap everywhere. We see a few cats, and wonder how they are surviving. Then we squeeze the cart through this back yard into under someones carport, and there's junk everywhere, but we see jarred potatoes, I almost grab it because we are hungry but for some reason I don't. Then we see this guy stand in front of the cart and we all freak thinking its a zombie, but it's not. It's a survivor and he's looks covered in ash. He asks us calmly what we're doing here, and none of us know what to say. He points us into the house that the carport is attached to. We get off the golf cart and enter the house. When I go in I realize it's my grandmas house but ti's not, somebody hoarded trash bags in the kitchen, my grandma doesn't do that. Then I walk into the living room and there;'s a blanket on the floor, now the girl hank and bobby hill are all gone and me and my grandma are annoyed that someone put a blanket on her floor under the furniture. And then we sit down confused for awhile. Woke up.
Me and my sister are in a submarine with and older man with grey hair and his son who looks older than me and my sister. The submarine malfunctions and the man says he has to park it on the sea floor. He doesn't have time to find flat sea floor to park it because it's already going down so it's gets parked on a hill underwater making us a little tilted. The man then tries to use the submarines phone, but it doesn't work either. The man says we have to leave the submarine than try to swim to the top. The older man and his son go first, they go behind a door then close it and me and my sister don't know what happened next and we worry that we won't know how to get out. Then me and my sister walk towards the door but then we feel the submarine falling to the side it was leaning and me and my sister slam into what was the ceiling and we panic because now the only exit is beneath us trapped shut by the sea floor. We try to figure something out but there is nothing to be done, so I go and try the phone again, first try it was static. Then the second try I got the phone to work so I hurriedly called my grandma thinking the phone might go out again. She picks up and I scream into the phone that the submarine went down on its side and on top its only exit and that we won't make it long because the monitor in the sub says that it's losing oxygen pretty fast. My Grandma sounded like she was trying to be calm at first but and survey the situation but then she started to sound worried and got quiet, and then sounded like on the verge of tears and asked if there was anything I wanted her to know, and I knew we all knew we wouldn't make it so I started to weep while telling my Grandma that I love her and that she's the only reason my childhood was good and said some other things and then I gave the phone to my sister so she could talk. While they talked I looked around the sub for maybe an exit I didn't see before but then I woke up.