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    Leaving the matrix

    4/10/15 - coconuts and crabs

    by , 04-10-2015 at 09:52 PM (905 Views)
    Me and my DC friend are being driven to stater bros. by my mom and it's night time. My friend has two huge plastic bags. One is filled with dark brown coconuts. The other is filled with crabs. She tells me they're special and organic and all these things. She tells me she wants to sell them to stater bros. to sell them. So we get out and my mom grabs both bags from her, we think she just want s to help by holding them or wants to see them out of curiosity. Then we all walk into the store and my friend keeps trying to get the bags out of my moms hands but my mom is walking too fast and making a bee line for the produce area. Then my mom walks up to these two box crate type areas in cold section and begins pouring the coconuts into one of them, I yell at my mom for doing so, i tell her we are meaning to sell them, not give them to stater bros. for free so they can solely make money off of them. But my mom just smirks at me, and I try to grab the bag of crabs but she pushes me and pour the crabs into the second box, i turn and look to my friend and she looks defeated and walks away. I look at my mom and give her a dirty look then exit out the store. I walk down the parking lot so I wont have to ride in her car with her, and i keep walking for a long time and cross the street and go into a neighborhood.
    Lumenia likes this.

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