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    Leaving the matrix

    4/11/15 - bee flies into mouth

    by , 04-11-2015 at 05:03 PM (775 Views)
    I'm walking down this sidewalk along a white picket fence. I get to this house that had large swing type gate and know i have to go in here, but as I'm turning the corner i guess i had my mouth open a bit and I feel something vibrating in my mouth. I lean over the sidewalk and keep trying to spit something out. It takes me 4 or tries and then things fall out of my mouth and onto the sidewalk. I kneel down to get a closer look, I see a bee on the ground missing one wing, and missing is black fur stripes like they were plucked out it just has the yellow fur stripes. I become grossed out that a bee was in my mouth and spit more trying to get anything left of it out. Then i look back down and the be and wonder why it didn't sting my tongue, and I begin to see it happening in my head and then think to stop thinking about it or it will happen, i imagine swollen tongue and not being able to breathe. Then I wonder why the bee didn't sting the roof of my mouth, and then I imagine the roof of my mouth swelling and me not being able to breathe and I try to stop thinking about it so it won't happen. Then I decide to assume the bee was already dying and had lost it's stinger previously. Then I look down at the bee again and itss yellow stripes aren't as vibrant as they were, now they've gone light brown, and its one wing is dark brown with holes, it seems dry and brittle now, and I realize there is now another bee next to it on the sidewalk, and I wonder had I spat that one out too. Then I get up and walk into the yard by opening the swing fence.

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