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    [LUCID]Dog double

    by , 02-26-2016 at 02:25 AM (635 Views)
    Nap time
    Dog double
    I'm in my bedroom. A shower head is mounted on the wall above the bed, and it's spraying towards the door. I notice that it's missing the bed and getting the carpet wet, so I turn the knob (mounted on the wall above my pillow) to turn off the shower. Now I'm walking on the carpet near the door, and I'm confused that I still hear water falling. I wonder if it's because I'm squishing the wet carpet, but the noise just isn't right.

    I notice my dog near my feet, then notice another dog out in the hallway. My first thought is to wonder how another dog got into the house. My next thought is concern that my dog and the other dog are going to get into a fight. I look back towards my dog and see him staring at the new dog. I realize that both dogs look identical and look around to see if I'm somehow seeing my dog in a mirror; but I don't see one.

    Now I'm standing near my window looking at both dogs - but this time the new dog is white. I briefly wonder if I'd thought he was black because he was in a dark hallway, then I wonder if I'm dreaming. I don't really think I am, but I go ahead and do a nose-pinch test, and I'm surprised to find that I am, in fact, dreaming.

    Now I know I'm dreaming, but my vision has almost completely grayed out. I can see through only a very narrow vertical sliver, and it's closing. I raise my hands to where I can see them and start to rub them together, but it doesn't help. I can feel my hands rubbing, but only barely, as if they're mostly numb. I try to will my vision back, but it's no good. My vision grays out completely, and I lose the dream.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Its great how having two dogs present made you lucid. I use to have dreams where more than one dog would be present too. :3 It would have been cool if your vision came back but perhaps next time it will come back again. Reminds me of the time I had to wait a bit for the dream to start again after it was disappearing. XD Sort of like it went on lag/glitch mode and I was waiting for it to play again.
    2. The Cusp's Avatar
      Instead of hand rubbing, next time try brisk movement. Anything which generates a feeling of momentum.