Bad timing / Breakfast conversation / Infiltration observation / Honey map / Staying with my in-laws
, 10-25-2016 at 02:19 PM (779 Views)
Bed @ 2230
Woke @ 0015 /w no recall
BTB @ 0020 /w water
Woke @ 0340
Bad timing
I'm in my bathroom in the middle of the night taking galantamine and choline. I'm having trouble swallowing them; I put a pill in my mouth, take some water, swallow the water, but just can't get the pill down. After a couple of tries, I can start to taste the pill and realize it's already dissolving in my mouth. Eventually I just give up and chew up the pill and hope that it won't mess with it. I chew up the galantamines but manage to swallow the choline (which I think is ironic given how much larger the choline is), but then I notice there's still a galantamine on the counter; I could have sworn I chewed up both of them, but oh well. I go ahead and take the one I "forgot." As I'm finishing with the pills I start to hear my wife moving around. I assume she's just woken up to use the bathroom, so I head out so she can use it; but as I leave the bathroom I'm shocked to find that it's 6:58, only two minutes before I'm supposed to get up to go to work! There's no way I can sleep and dream in two minutes, and not only did I just waste a dose, but it'll be another four days before I can try again! Arg! I can't understand how I could have done something like that.
Now I'm helping my wife by collecting laundry from our room. Clothing, along with a few blankets, is scattered on every surface in the room. As I'm trying to figure out what to do with my daughter's quilt, she comes in and takes it from me. As she's leaving I look out into the hallway and notice the baby gate at the top of the stairs: it has only its top and bottom bars left, with nothing in-between, and I can't imagine how it could do anything at all to stop my toddler from going up or down the stairs.
Breakfast conversation
I'm eating breakfast with Steve B. He asks how I'm doing with my Bible reading, and I confess that I'm actually not doing so well. He's concerned and asks why, and I tell him that when I'm trying to read it my mind feels like it's getting pulled in a hundred directions and it takes a white-knuckled grip to stay focused, and it's just really exhausting. He says I might want to consider reading other good books to build up my spiritual reading muscles and suggests a couple. One of them I've heard of, and I ask him about the other one. He explains it's a biography of <someone who did something.> As we're talking, I'm getting more breakfast. There's some kind of cooked banana dish, and there's some kind of bread-based casserole. Both are pretty tasty, though the bread one is starting to get soggy.
Infiltration observation
It's night. I'm 'hovering' behind a youth as he sneaks along some narrow walkways above water. I'm not concerned about his seeing me - I'm somehow 'present' without actually being here physically. I stay fairly close to him, hanging back far enough to watch what he's doing. He's pretty spry, hopping over locked gates with some fairly slick moves. Eventually he reaches doors to go inside somewhere and passes through, unaware that a lady (with dark skin and black clothes) is now following right behind him. As I pass through the doors behind them, she actually holds the door for me and looks straight at me. She's wearing a lot of fancy spy gear and must be able to 'see' me, or at least sense my presence. She gives me a 'so you thought you could pull one over on me, huh?' wry smile before continuing off behind the boy.
Honey map
I'm holding a wooden honey dipper and trying to place small dots of honey on a map where I believe the final battle of a campaign was fought. I know that the map will alert me when I've gotten the right spot, but despite putting dots in a number of places I thought were likely candidates, nothing's happened. Finally a 'touch here for a hint' button appears and I press it with the tip of the dipper, but nothing shows up. For a moment I wonder if it's broken, but then I realize I'm zoomed in so far that the battle sites aren't visible. I zoom out and try again, but the honey is nearly gone and I'm having trouble getting any to drip. I end up spinning the dipper, thinking that maybe centrifugal force will help honey get to the edge so it can drip down.
Now I'm 'hovering' over the roads I just saw in the map. Both sides of the road are packed with booths selling many different things. I can see little icons hovering above people, and I know that they indicate that the person is going to do something important, even if I don't know exactly what each of the icons is trying to represent. In a larger booth, I see two people with icons, and I somehow know that talking to one of them will cause a quest to succeed while talking to the other will fail the quest.
BTB @ 0405 /w 8mg galantamine
Woke @ 0520
Staying with my in-laws
I'm standing on the driveway at my in-law's house. My wife is loading our car, and my mother-in-law is getting into her car. I really need to use the bathroom, so I tell them I'll be right back and jog up the driveway to the house. The garage doors are already closed, so I call back to ask one of them to use the remote. Both of them try, but the garage door won't go up. We're all confused, and both of them try again, but still nothing. I look back at the door and see that it's open a couple of feet (though now it's become a single-piece garage door, so it's opened by tilting). I ask them to stop using the remotes so I can crawl under the door and not worry about being crushed.
Now I'm in bed in their guest bedroom, and I know that I'm dreaming. My wife is still asleep next to me, so I gently scoot down towards the foot of the bed. As I'm trying to stand up, my movement feels "off," and my arms are leaden. I have trouble getting off the bed and end up face-planting on the floor. I take a moment to pull myself together and get up, and I can move around OK now. I head down the hallway and out the front door and look around. With the house at my back, I'm looking down a (beautifully manicured) sloped lawn. The rest of the neighborhood stretches out below me, and trees surround the property. I remember my personal goal of flying above the treetops and jump as hard as I can. I go shooting up into the air and get at least fifty feet in the air, well above the nearest trees. Success! I look around and thrill at being so high, though I have a brief moment of confusion as I find that I'm still not above the roof. Oh well, dreams are weird. I try to go higher, but I'm not able to; instead, I start to fall. At first, I'm falling slowly, but I quickly build speed until I finally slam into the ground, feet first, with a tremendous thump.
That was fun! I look forward to doing more flying in the future, but I decide to try out other stuff now. I remember my 3-step goals and that my intended narrative was to summon my cell phone, use it, then disband it. I normally wear my cell phone on my belt, though it's not there now. Without looking, I reach down to my belt, to where I usually wear it, intending to grab it; but my hand comes back empty. I try again, and this time I come back with an Insteon module. Huh? Oh well, at least I summoned something ... I head back inside looking for something electronic to mess with to complete step two. I enter the kitchen and go to the dishwasher which I see has some kind of electronic display. I mess with the buttons on the control panel and manage to change what the display is showing; I end up in some kind of menu and manage to change a setting.
Now I decide to hunt for a bathroom - I want to see if I can use a mirror to change my physical appearance. I go down one short hallway, but all the doors are closed and I don't want to barge in on my in-laws. I try another one and, once again, the doors are closed; but I remember this is a dream and it doesn't matter. I decide to go through the door I'm at, but I'm surprised to see that it has only a deadbolt. I decide that, since this is a dream, that's not going to stop me and that I'm going to phase through the door. I make some progress, but there's resistance, and before I make it more than a couple of inches through the door bursts open. I'm a bit disappointed, but oh well. Whatever's behind the door, it's not a bathroom. I try a couple more doors before finally finding what seems to be a dressing room with a large wall mirror. *I stand in front of the mirror and manage to alter a couple of physical characteristics. Unfortunately, my rib cage looks emaciated, and I can't seem to do anything about it.*
Now I'm walking on a wide sidewalk next to a park. A tall, well-dressed woman is walking towards me, and *I order her to stop. She does, standing completely still, with eyes staring straight ahead. It's actually a bit creepy.
At one point, I hear something I assume is my wife's alarm. I steel myself, trying to stay in the dream. Once it stops, I assume I'll have five minutes before it goes off again.
Many times through the dream I lose sight. I rub my hands until it comes back.
BTB @ 0545 - though I never actually get back to sleep