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    Parking deck / Family flight / Unusual work day / Prank "oops" / Augmented reality / Senile goddess

    by , 10-14-2014 at 09:22 PM (591 Views)
    I spent a few minutes reading over my dreams from the past week, then went to bed at 10:50. I woke at 2:30.

    The parking deck
    I'm on the 6th floor of the parking deck at work. Another man is with me (I don't know if I knew him or not), and there are also a lot of Google+ people around (I wrote that in the middle of the night; I have no idea what it means now). The 7th (top) floor ends abruptly right above where we're standing. With the problems they've had in the past about getting heavy machinery onto the parking deck to change the sign on the back of the building, I don't know how they managed to remove half a floor safely. Now things have shifted: we're still on the 6th floor, but now it's just the two of us; and the 7th floor still ends right above us, while in front of us the 6th floor now also ends abruptly (though it's protected by a wrought-iron fence). I decide that the fence is too "girly(Huh?)," but that it'll serve its purpose well enough. We look over at building C and decide to try to demolish it. Now we've put something disk-shaped onto the ground and turned it on. It's vibrating like crazy, and if we can get it tuned to the right frequency then it'll vibrate the whole building down. My friend is the one tweaking the frequency, and he gets close. The building starts visibly shaking. I put one foot on the gizmo, holding it down against the ground with my weight. I'm getting tired quickly, and I hope the building gives out before I do. We seem to get just the right frequency for a moment, and all the windows twist in their frames. I'm pleased that we managed to achieve that much, but I'm disappointed it was all we could do.

    Now I'm inside the library, one of the rooms with windows affected by our gizmo. The windows are still messed up, but people don't seem too bothered, and things are generally going on like normal. As I'm looking at everything, it dawns on me that there may have been video cameras on the parking deck, and that if there are then everyone already has a copy of it and will be looking for me. I try to think back to where we were in the deck, and I can visualize cameras about 10 feet from where we were standing. I start to panic a bit, but I get it under control. Now I'm back in the deck walking with someone. I've been able - so far, at least - to blend in with the other students and not get picked up for my involvement with the seismic gadget.

    Now I'm in a car with a few other people my age. We're trying to get to ???. I'm following the GPS directions, but they don't make a lot of sense. I make a left but then realize I probably shouldn't have. I check my phone and see it's at half battery, and I realize I don't have any charger with me. We'll be in trouble if the battery dies. Now we're further down the road. Somehow we need to turn around and go back a bit to get my GPS - it's no longer in the car. I look for an opening to get into the left lane to get ready to turn around (there's a median in the middle of the road, so I have to wait to find a gap), but then I realize that the left lanes have train tracks running on them (like trolley tracks), and I'm not willing to ride on train tracks for any length of time. Further up, we find a place to pull a U turn that doesn't require being on the tracks for long.

    After journalling, I used the bathroom and returned to bed at 2:45. My wife's alarm woke me at 6:30.

    Flying back to the car
    I'm with my family, returning from somewhere to the house in a nearby neighborhood where we parked our car. Somehow, we're traveling over some other neighborhoods to get there. We seem to be in a ballistic trajectory, since we're not in any kind of craft and have no control over our own flight. I'm not aware of any wind, only of movement over the ground. We're moving quickly, yet the houses below us seem to pass slowly, so we must be fairly high up. As we go, I point out different roof tile colors and patterns to my kids. Most of the houses seem to have dark gray roofs, so the kids have fun pointing out other colors. Most of the rest seem to be brown roofs, though there are a few that have mixed colors; the kids are always really excited to point out one of those. I also think it's interesting to look at the colors of the houses. Most are normal colors, but I see a few blues and greens and other odd colors. The kids don't seem to care about the siding colors, only showing an interest in the roofs.

    Now we've landed. We're in a carport getting into our car. I'm standing near the door to the house. I have a remote control for the car and fiddle with it for a moment, turning the car's engine and stereo on and off.

    An unusual day at work
    I'm at work at the start of what's going to be an all-day meeting. We're all well dressed - I'm in a black suit. Now we're taking a break, and I'm in the break room with a couple of other people. They've had the meeting catered, so I grab one of the frozen omelets out of the freezer, put it on my plate, and microwave it. I decide to heat it most of the way through, then add a couple strips of bacon for the last few seconds so the omelet and the bacon will both be hot at the same time. Given how many people there are, I'm surprised at how little food there is. Someone says that Arby's is in the process of sending over more omelets. The woman who ordered the food describes her phone conversation with the woman at McDonald's. The McDonald's rep could tell that my coworker wasn't really going to order anything, that she was just calling to get prices to help her negotiate with the restaurant she actually wanted to order from, so she was working hard to change my coworkers mind to get her to order from McDonald's instead. My coworker said the McDonald's lady actually negotiated pretty well (not that she was going to budge), right up until she said something about "And just think of how much the children love our pancakes!". My coworker explains that she has children who love those pancakes and she always has a struggle with them when she tells them she's not buying them.

    Now different people are in the break room with me. Something comes up about the guy at Arby's that the food was ordered from and how he has a thick German accent. I make a joke in poor taste, something about how the language sounds so harsh that no matter what they're actually saying, it always sounds like they're threatening you. The others with me don't appreciate it, so I apologize. I'm reminded of an old Simpsons clip in which Lisa asks a couple of Russian men for directions. The captions show that they're speaking very kindly to her, but their angry, shouted words and pounded fists cause her to run screaming in terror. I decide to find that clip and show it to these guys, thinking that maybe that'll help them lighten up.

    Now I'm walking along outside the fence of "my company." It seems to be a big industrial complex. A female coworker is walking with me. We come across a skinny German guy trying to slip through a gap in the fence and ask him what he's doing. I point out that the main gates are just down the road and there's no reason for him to try to sneak in this way, but then I see that the main gates are closing as we speak. My petite coworker decides slipping through the fence is an interesting challenge and manages to do it without messing up her nice clothes (I was sure she'd rip something). The German guy follows her. I see security headed for them, so I run around through the main gate (which by now has started to open again). Even though I'm not wearing my security badge where it can be seen, the guards all know me for an employee. The ones doing normal guard duty ignore me, and the ones taking away the German and my coworker stop and listen when I explain what happened. The German is tossed back out, and my coworker is given a stern scolding.

    Now I see the German man in his command center van looking at printed schematics and looking things up on his computer. I know now that the German was actually a saboteur trying to plant something inside our complex that he could trigger remotely. He pulls up info on both me and my coworker, and he visibly starts when he realizes who she is. It seems he'd started to fall for her in the couple of minutes he'd been around her, but now he finds out that she's the same woman he'd been sent to kill years ago. He failed back then, but he decides that he's not going to fail this time.

    Prank gone wrong
    As I'm driving along a five lane road, I see a couple of people sitting on a bench with a large teddy bear and decide to prank them by hooking the bear as I drive past to make them jump and have to hang on. Unfortunately, it turns out they're waiting for the bus and are asleep, so they can't hold on I end up holding the bear in my lap. Now I feel terrible and try to figure out how to return the bear. I'm stopped at a red light and consider just getting out and running over to them, but the light turns green. I look around for a driveway to pull into, but I can't see anything that would work. As I'm considering just pulling over to the side of the road and turning on my flashers, a middle-aged female bicyclist comes up to my window and starts scolding me for what I've done. I tell her that I'm already feeling terrible for doing it, that it went much farther than I'd intended, and ask her to return the bear for me. She agrees.

    Augmented reality game
    I'm with a few other guys in a room as part of some kind of augmented reality game. We're all well dressed and carrying various forms of weaponry. The room we're in is grayish and almost completely bare except for an unknown object right in the middle. As we're trying to figure out what it is, I remember my "gun" has a special ability that lets me "shoot" an object to identify it. My fellow players warn me that this gun seems very finicky and doesn't usually work. I shoot the object and, sure enough, nothing happens. I decide to try charging my gun before shooting, and this time a popup appears near the ceiling telling us about the object. I try a few more times, giving the gun a charge each time, and each time I get the popup (though the popup gives me different information each time). The other players are impressed.

    Senile goddess
    I see a group of people milling around in a large field. In front of them is a treeline broken by a fairly small gap, wide enough for three or four people to walk abreast. Beyond the gap is a brilliant, glowing field. An old goddess lives there, but she's so old that she's gone blind and senile. Her followers in the field still revere her and are sad at her condition.

    Fragment: I'm with my old boss Dave and coworker Troy near a car in a small parking lot behind a building.

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