Saving place at food court / Mistborn-style magic / School weirdness
, 10-12-2014 at 09:17 PM (493 Views)
I went to bed at 10:30. I was woken at 6 by a loud noise and had no recall. I got back to sleep and was woken up by my alarm at 6:50.
Saving my place in the food court
I'm with someone walking through a mall. We end up in the food court, and it seems to go on for a long, long way. The whole area is very haphazard and just feels messy. I move a couple of chairs from one table to another, then pull out my phone, go into Waze, and hit the big P button so it'll remember this spot for me. I'll need to come back here later.
Mistborn-style magic
I'm with someone else in an older part of town. We're looking at the outside display case of a curio shop, and my friend decides he's going to try to pick the lock on the case. He's unable to do it. Now we're inside the shop. I'm asking the shopkeeper about getting the "starter pills" so I can become a magic user. (I know this is like in Mistborn, where to become a magic user you can eat something, but then you have to eat other things to actually use that magic). He tells me that they're actually pretty cheap, though he won't give me a price. He just keeps answering around my question. He gets out five different colored pills and puts them in a bottle. Now I'm outside with his assistant on a field of grass near a cliff. He throws the bottle towards the cliff side, towards lots of holes. He explains there are creatures that live in those holes, and the only way the pills will work is if they try to eat them and then give up. His throw has to be really good to get the bottle to a place where it'll interest the creatures but where they won't go into a frenzy and destroy it. Unfortunately his aim was off and he threw too far. We'll have to go back and get another batch.
School weirdness
I'm talking to Frank about his teaching at a high school. We're talking about his methodology for / how he handles gym class. He lets each kid throw a ball four times trying to get it through a net (something like basketball) before giving it to the next child. I express my surprise that he does it so many times at once - I would have thought just twice would be better, rotating through the kids faster. He says it's easier to stop this way if they get interrupted (which doesn't make any sense to me), and that he doesn't want to get into a battle with parents over the ten dollars if their child doesn't get to throw the ball. Something comes up about Aunt C, how she (or someone like her) wouldn't hesitate to get the money back through small claims court. He says he's not worried, that no one would spend $70 to go to court on a $10 claim when you'd only get back $5 if you won. Now someone else is with us, and he mentions that Frank liked to shoot his basketball at the bulldozers while the other kids were taking their turns at the hoop. I try to picture what that would look like, but it seems really odd.
Now I'm with a group of people listening to a young woman talking about travel. She's saying she likes to travel by (something), since she just hates traveling on roads.
Fragment: I've been given a paper with some kind of special permission / authorization on it. I can show it to someone if I get in trouble.