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    Setting up at camp / Skiing / London

    by , 10-13-2014 at 09:31 PM (640 Views)
    I took some benadryl and went to bed at 10 and woke at 4.

    Setting up at camp
    I'm at the camping site with my four "big kids". I'm working on getting our tent set up, and they're just racing around chasing each other. Even though our site is within sight of the lake, I'm not worried about the kids falling in: I've used a personal family shield, so all of the kids are invulnerable for about the next hour. I can see the fields when I look at the kids, since I know what to look for, but other people probably wouldn't notice anything.

    I had trouble getting back to sleep and eventually took a shower. I returned to bed at 5 and woke up around 7.

    I'm on a ski slope with a couple of other guys. I ride a ski lift, but I think it's pretty odd that this lift faces backwards instead of forwards. Now I'm at the top with my friends. We choose a trail and start to ski down it. I hear a rumble and realize that it's probably an avalanche starting. We speed up trying to get to the bottom before the avalanche catches us. To my right, at the edge of the trail, I see a roundish depression that looks like a luge path. I jump in on my stomach, head first, and try to slide down faster that way. I end up going pretty fast, but the path isn't as straight as I'd like, and it sometimes takes me around the maintain instead of down it. Sometimes I pass through some very narrow tunnels and get worried that this was a bad idea. Eventually I find myself standing by a road at the bottom of the mountain. I've escaped the avalanche, but now I'm cold, wet, and lost. I walk along the road looking for some kind of help and eventually come to what looks like a large barn. The people inside see me and come out to help me. Now I'm in the barn. My clothes have been changed and I'm warm. They lead me to a table where I have a seat and find my friends. They're overjoyed to see me, having thought me lost in the avalanche.

    I'm in London, on a cobblestone road on a fairly steep hill. My surroundings seem to be some kind of cross between Victorian and modern times. Off one edge I can see a large bay with a boat in it. Another smaller boat goes past closer to the hill. This one is long and thin and has a guy at the back using a couple of long whips. At first I think he's whipping the animals that power the paddle wheels, but as I look more closely I realize he's whipping the boat itself. Weird. Now some strange devices past the guard rail start shooting water into the air. I'm pretty confused about this and ask someone nearby what they're doing. He doesn't answer in words but just points past the top of the hill. I look and see more water along with a large ship coming in. This one is huge, much larger than the first one I saw. I realize this is the queen's own ship, and they like to have it come in mysteriously. There's a huge bank of fog, and I realize the strange water-shooting devices must be making the fog bank. As I look more closely I realize that the huge ship has some huge wheels just barely sticking out of the fog. I realize the ship is moving much too quickly and smoothly for going through the water, so those wheels must be running on reals that are hidden beneath the fog.

    I realized my mom took a position on the queen's ship, and I decide to see her. Now I'm on board the ship in a large room with a counter. I ask the person behind the counter where I can find Mom, and she directs me.

    Now I'm down the hill a bit talking to some people. Somehow Ben C ends up coming up in conversation. I decide to try to find him and ask where he lives. Someone points up a road and says he lives at twenty-five M??? street. I thank him and start heading that way. Now I'm driving up the road. It's got a totally different name from what the man had said, and the numbers are much too large (I think I pass 399)- no twenties around here. I turn around and go back thinking that maybe I'd missed it. I find an auto repair place at number twenty-four and assume that Ben must live somewhere close by. I go in and ask the woman in the office where number twenty-five is. She asks why I want to know and I tell her I'm looking for Ben. She calls over a teenaged boy, then all three of us head around back. She leads us to a large telephone booth sitting in the middle of a field, then pushes a button on the back of the phone booth and causes some strange doors to open. The boy gets in and gestures for me to follow. I get in with him, the doors close, and we start to move. Space inside is rather cramped, and I end up putting my arm over his shoulders. I'm almost giddy - I can't believe I'm riding in a phone booth through a secret passage! We make small talk as it moves along. Eventually the doors open up and we get out.

    Now I'm putting my pants back on - it seems my pants earlier were wet and they dried them for me. I'm in something like a breakfast nook off of a kitchen. After I get them on and buttoned, I think they feel odd and wonder if I get the wrong ones, maybe the girl's that I see nearby. I think that they can't be a girls', since the button and zipper flap are facing to the right, but when I look more closely I realize that it is in fact a denim skirt and not pants at all! She must have my pants on.

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