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    Vacation / Military experiments / Bathroom / Infiltration / Camping prep / Playing Descent

    by , 10-06-2014 at 10:21 PM (914 Views)
    I'm still on vacation, biking on a bike path under trees with some of my family behind me. Now we've stopped, and I'm trying to cut a cake. It looks like a single long strip taken from a sheet cake, except it's somehow bent into a pretzel shape. About a foot of it is still straight, and I'm working on this bit first. I'm trying to cut it into thirds, so I've already cut off about a third from the right-hand side and am now lining up to cut the left-hand piece in half. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out exactly where the middle of the piece should be.

    Now I'm at a house, trying to run wires to get the TV hooked up to something. Later, I'm talking to a neighbor about stuff. He's going into great technical detail about creating 3.5" HD disks with what we have. I thank him but tell him that I have no idea what anything he just said means.

    Military experiments
    I'm working with the military on an experiment dealing with time. My partner is something like a Talan Imas. I park in the middle of an entrance to a parking lot, near a large military SUV, get out, and the device gets turned on. The asphalt loses all cohesion, and I sink down into it up to my ankles. Time has stopped for everything else, so My partner and I walk around, observing all the frozen stuff. Now I'm back in my car, heading to that same place again. Someone has to move out of my spot. I get out, the device is turned on, and this time I don't sink; I realize they must have set some different settings. This time I can see things moving, sometimes looking normal, sometimes very odd. I'm narrating my observations to my partner, hoping he's recording all this. A frog moves oddly. Coming to a turn in the road we're walking, I see a jaguar looking at us. I shine my flashlight in its eyes, and it cringes and walks away. Two others approach but leave with the flashlight treatment.

    Now there's something about blocking an intersection and setting up a running course around the edge of town. Someone is trying to set up some kind of obstacle on top of a tall train car, but he gets ordered to make it just a normal part of the race. He's quite disappointed.

    Now something's happened and I've been turned into a girl. I need to try to serve my partner. The first thing I need to do is make orange juice from concentrate. Heading out to the kitchen areas, I pass another new girl who's struggling with some sort of cooking duty. I find my own spot and fill my blender with lots of ice, some concentrate, and a drop of dish soap. Turning the blender on, I hope he likes it this time; he seems to go back and forth about liking my orange juice, even through I try to make it the same each time. I turn off the blender and taste the foam; I think it tastes pretty good, and thankfully so does he.

    Now I'm in a military transport vehicle with lots of men and two other women. I make a comment about being the only attractive woman, to which the other two take offense. I undo that dialog choice, not wanting to go down a branch where they're antagonistic to me.

    Finding a bathroom
    I'm in a large building, something like a mall, looking for a bathroom. I run into Mrs. B. in the book shop, but before she can point me to the restroom I see a sign for it. In the restroom I'm trying to find a free stall but they're all taken. They're scattered all over this huge restroom, so it's hard enough to find a stall, let alone an empty one.

    Watching an infiltration
    I'm watching something where the actress who plays Dax is in a cave with a powerful guy. She's infiltrated the top of his organization to destroy the source of his power. As he talks to her, he realizes she's not the loyal employee he thought. She cloaks, and he sprays the room with bullets and manages to hit her. As her cloak is failing and she's weakening, she sees a glowing blue ball up on a shelf and shoots it. The ball falls and shatters, and the man shouts. Now he's normal again. Now he's looking in a phone book's business pages and comes across a page for a lost and found place. They'll find anything from the easy (e.g. missing toothpaste tubes) to difficult (e.g. people).

    Camping prep
    I'm getting ready to go camping. I'm standing at the end of a really long table, preparing to tackle the huge pile of laundry at my end of the table. Matt and a couple of other guys are with me. Our last-minute stuff (swimming trunks, etc) is in this pile ,and we need to fish it out and pack it.

    Playing Descent
    I'm trying to play the latest Descent online. I'm having a lot of trouble with the online component: it takes a bunch of retries to get through, and even then it's really flaky. Even the browser-based matchmaker isn't loading. I realize it may be blocked by the terrible personal firewall we have to run, so I temporarily disable it and find that now everything works great. I manage to join a game, but it only has one other guy in it. In this game mode, we have to drop pairs of mines connected by lasers and try to force the opponents into the laser fields. My opponent is really good; he quickly sets up an impenetrable plane of lasers below me. I'm flying around dropping mines very haphazardly, and I don't always get them linked; the D key drops mines while shift-D links them, and I keep pressing D instead of shift-D when trying to link them. I spend most of my time flying from him, dodging like crazy. I actually get him to fly into one of my stray links, which amazes me, since it was really careless on his part. Now we're on a much smaller moon orbiting the main planet. He's talking with my AI about some special field designs, including one that could blow up his own ship. I stop and watch as they produce more and more intricate designs in front of their ships. I should be using this time to set up more laser fields, but I don't feel I'm in any danger any more and just want to watch what they create.

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    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Lots of symbolism in here... wow!
    2. Nazrax's Avatar
      I just got back from vacation, and I'll be going camping shortly. The guy with me at the table is an avid camper (though I've never gone camping with him). Strange bathrooms are a frequent dreamsign. I used to love Descent, though I probably haven't played it in 10 years (though I'm keeping tabs on a remake that should launch Real Soon Now (though there hasn't been any news on that project for a couple of months)). I have no idea where the military or infiltration dreams (or anything in them) came from.

      Is that what you mean by symbolism? Or were you thinking of something else?
    3. PixCaliTropic's Avatar
      About that bathroom dream you mentioned over here...well, the same thing sometimes happens to me, too! And whenever I do find an empty stall, most of the time all of the toilets I see are just strange-looking, rather. And whenever I do sit down on one, I'm always having a hard time trying to go. The weird thing is that I would never actually go in real life while I am going in a dream! (Even though that happening doesn't seem to occur as much...)

      Oh, what can I say I hate these kind of dreams! And I don't even know why any one of us on here would have that, it's just sooooo weird!
    4. Nazrax's Avatar
      Unfortunately, bizarre public bathrooms are one of my most common dreamsigns. They crop up fairly often, and they're not only strange but usually fairly uncomfortable as well. Despite their frequency in my dreams and practice in real-life bathroom of "if I'm in here and something bizarre happens, I'm dreaming," I've still never managed to get a lucid from one