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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Mall Pickup

      by , 05-16-2016 at 02:34 PM
      I'm at the mall, at some tightly packed store of pretty much everything with someone. I was sent to pick something up by an old high school acquaintance that I didn't even really know very well... I'm surprised to see that it's an ex-girlfriend working there, old flame from a LONG time ago - she looks good, and has a cold sore on the corner of her lip. She mentions that they also have 80s posters in the back of the store and I go to have a look. It's so tight and very busy that to get to the back I can barely squeeze past people coming in the other direction. At some point I meet up with my friend M who was picking up some shoes in the mall.
    2. Frozen goods delivery

      by , 05-16-2016 at 10:50 AM
      I'm on my first night in a jog driving a frozen goods delivery truck. There's a man training me driving another truck and a woman driving a third. The dream starts with is pulled over with the trucks open looking for something, the reason we've stopped. We must find it quickly or our goods will spoil. I think the man calls the office for instructions...
    3. June 14

      by , 06-14-2014 at 10:54 AM
      I was on a plane in some kind of race against the clock situation that I can't remember... I managed to escape through some hatch into another escape plane as it was going down. Then the crash became a large passenger plane and I realized it wasn't that far off the ground, so jumped out into the air as it hit, and superman style slowed its momentum and straightened it out and brought it to a stop. It seemed no one was hurt. A coworker was on board and we talked and she sounded a little depressed, not about the crash, the dream had started to move on, but of something else. I offered a comforting hug and hugged her. Then we talked of going to grab a bite to eat to help cheer her up.

      Next I was at my bosses house with some coworkers. There was this large curved half doughnut hallway he was showing us. When one door on this hallway was open to a small wing, if the phone rang you could not tell where it was coming from, some kind of illusion, the way the sound bounced around.
    4. June 6b

      by , 06-06-2014 at 12:42 PM
      I was driving past a neighbours house in the winter time, and stopped, looking at how her driveway was un-cleared, so I got out to shovel. The driveway is sloped, so I walked up and picked up a shovel that was lying there and shovelled a few times. The banks on the sides were about 7 feet tall so it was hard to get it up that far without snow falling back down. Then I noticed a friend with me who wanted to help, so we started looking around for something for him to use. There seemed to be multiple things lying around, at one point he grabbed what looked to be a snow scoop, but turned out to be a rocking chair and he kept looking. I saw my friend on the phone through her kitchen window and she waved. We were then in her garage looking around and suddenly a co-worker was with us as well looking for shovels. Then my co-worker said, "Well, it's time for work, we have to get going" and the dream ended.

      (I had this dream in the early hours of the morning before my alarm went off for work)