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    Nef's dream journal

    1. Gory dreams again

      by , 11-25-2023 at 10:10 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I dreamt I was in the middle of some crazy military chaos in some densely populated city
      Spoiler for gory:

      but it was really fucked up, hard to watch, idk how I didnt wake up then

      Then I was in some sort of band , me and a 3-4 others , we were friends sort of
      we got out of somewhere, a brawl or something, I only had a hammer, each of the dudes had different similarly not too good weaponry
      my shirt was teared apart...
      It was night, were were walking somewhere on a road, in the middle of nowhere, plains, trees and lots of bushes and grass, only the moon lit up the scene and maybe a few lamps
      I was singing a viking song , we talked about the lifestyle
      suddenly we were ambushed by 4 or so similar guys, one of them had a spear, the others idk
      I fought one or two off, got them on the head with the hammer, the spear guy came, tried to stab me but couldnt, I deflected it with a hammer somehow, always missing only by inches
      the other guys were killing the rest of the enemy, I was trying to make an opening
      then I made distance , and he threw the spear, he missed, then ran towards the other guys, he apparently had a sword, I picked up the spear and ran
      just before he could cut them down I pierced him hard , he fell
      one of us took out his phone and turned on the flashlight on it
      apparently two of my friends were cut, one was already dead, the other was bleeding out fast but I couldnt see where,
      while one hooded guy, the enemy was writhing in pain on top of them,
      idk how I felt, but I wanted to do something for these two, honor the dead, with the blood of the enemy
      Spoiler for gory:

      I tried ask my friend where was he hurt, maybe he could be saved, but I couldnt see, but he said it's ok,he seemed to be smiling...
      and I just had to watch him starting to fade out
      and then I woke up
    2. In the hotel... again

      by , 11-17-2023 at 04:36 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I was in the hotel...again, I came to know this by remembering through dream memory, I've been there before.
      It felt more like a level Ive completed already.
      For some reason in finland, I was lost in this large hotel, it had all kinds of rooms and halls, it was quite ornate, think 17 century french palaces, but a bit less fancy.
      Idk what I was looking for, quests I guess...but I knew that there were layers to that realm and I had to switch by them... at one of the doors I encountered the echoes of an enemy or something hostile that took the form of a man, but it couldnt hurt me now, only saw and heard its monstrous echoes...
      I went to some sort of dining hall, there were people down there, eating, while I was up there on some sort of balcony, near the ceiling, that was really high, like 200 meters.
      There was a girl there, I wanted to ask her for directions but then I woke up.