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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Stuck in the Shadow Realms

      by , 12-13-2019 at 12:40 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It all started with a brief paralysis I had. I woke up from it so I thought no LD today either, and went to sleep normally.
      The coming dream is hazy for me so I don't remember much. But I know that there was this girl whos presence brought me some kind of peace and for this I started to speculate
      that this girl may be god or a form of a higher force, and that I may learn something important from her , so I tried to get near her to talk to her
      That's when it started
      I found myself at home, figured I woke up , then I went to look out the windows and saw that there are no streets anymore anywhere,
      just endless heaps of trash, and endless amount of trash men picking up stuff. Also there was a mild fog .
      I didn't become lucid yet, but I found it weird that there are no streets. Then I woke up again, I don't know how many times I woke up, but things got more creepy and grotesque and darker.
      And then I ended up in what I call the shadow realm. I kind of became lucid because I realized its morning in real life , but here there was total darkness.
      the lights in teh whole house were flickering , giving a deeper orange faint light with a reddish hue , I felt like theres a dark presence in the dream the whole time but nothing turned up.
      I went to door to check out the street, it was like in real life but all the lights were off ,so it was just total darkness with a little bit of a faint red light coming from the sky, I could barely see anything.
      But I saw that there are shadows 'dancing' all over the street, but none of it attacked me or anything. I quickly closed the door and went back in. I didn't know what to do.
      I said that I guess I'm like Alan Wake , stuck in a dream, never knowing if I actually got out or if it's another dream.
      𐤏𐤄𐩤𐤐 𐤁ߣ𐩤ߖߖ𐤏 𐤓𐤏𐤓 ߡ 𐤓𐤁𐤓 𐤅ߡ 𐩤ߖߖ 𐤂𐩪ߖ ߡ 𐤓𐩪𐤉ߖ𐤄

      I entered the room laid down and tried to wake up
      from there on my recall gets bad again
      I woke up a few times in another instances of my home , once I woke up for real and then slipped back into the shadow realm then at a point I thought I'm done for, and prayed
      and then
      I finally woke up

      It was my first instance of being unable to wake up, it was really weird and scary...
    2. Almost did it - Successfull entry

      by , 03-14-2018 at 12:04 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I almost had a successfull LD but I forgot to do a RC after getting in
      So I was falling asleep , becoming more and more comfortable, my consciousness started to diminish slowly, and so I thought why not try rope technique while I was watching the tirades of my mind in the hypnagogic stage. And with this thought, I imagined a rope to the side of the bed , horizontally floating , and started to pull myself out of myself. I felt intense energy going through me and then I found myself in a full blown rem atonia or whatever you may call it. I was completely paralysed and had auditory hallucinations of weird ambient noises and such. Then I imagined and thought to myself "it would be pretty scary if I were to hear someone screaming in my ears". And thats what exactly happened after . After that I entered a dream I think, someone was glitching in my window and wall , thought it's a burglar, I DID NOT realize that I am in a dream now. And then I woke up.
    3. A Call

      by , 09-21-2017 at 02:57 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      Before I woke up , I have woken up in a dream. It was quite vivid .
      I was lying in bed , the tv was on ,relaxing . Then suddenly my phone rings, its N, I was surprised. "How would she know my number?" - I had some doubts ,but that was not enough for me to get lucid.
      I picked up the phone and said Hi how you doin in a relaxed manner, she answered with an I'm ok with an awkward, aloof, detached , apathetic voice. Her voice was so vivid, i actually heard it with my ears, it was not a typical voice from a phonecall ,it was like if she was next to me.
      Then she started to talk about a cat ,and something something justice. I dont remember the rest of it , I woke up shortly after that.

      Updated 05-31-2022 at 01:53 PM by 92016

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    4. 3 dreams, one lucid

      by , 04-05-2017 at 11:06 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      Early morning , around 4pm

      At a point in my dream , I smoked weed, and it felt soooo goood , I didnt felt anything bad and when I smoked into this bong like thing, i felt the taste of the fragrant plant it was like some herbal thing, and it was not bitter or bad, it was kinda like inhaling fresh air and some fresh plants air , I started to see in green and exhale green smoke sometimes . I strolled around in my city for a while in that state then I woke up.

      I never used the said plant, so its really interesting how my brain imagined it would be like to smoke it...

      Late morning 7-8 am ,
      Another lucid, low lucidty.

      I didn't plan to do a wild now, or well, I have completely lost lucidity before transition, I became lucid after a hand RC and saw that i have more fingers than I should.
      I screwed around with telekinesis ,then I wanted to go outside , but I couldnt ,the doors were closed, then I asked who the heck closed the door .
      A girl answered , I hear her voice outside, just infront of the window, so I peeked out, with my neck elongated I could see her.
      She was almost olive skinned, skinny girl, brown hair that was a little bit curly , black eyes, cant tell if her complex was asian or latina , beautiful lips and a qt turn up nose. She wore an orange shirt, and jeans I think or a short.
      She said " I'm your guard. You can't get out of this house."
      Then I asked why and she said something like I broke rules and if I try to get out I will be kicked from "the server" that is I presume the dream. I was really aloof and didnt give a damn, so I said " go on ,try to kick me out" . She tried to say something but she suddenly disappeared.
      I checked the doors then , they were still closed "damn it " I omitted, then tried to float through the wall, and then suddenly I had an FA.

      Remembering that I did a hand rc and realized that I'm still dreaming. My lucidity started to decrease at this point
      , near to semi lucid.
      I suddenly found myself in a supermarket, in a sport shop, I spent the rest of the dream with throwing things around with telekinesis.

      Last dream , ended at 10 am, not lucid.

      I was in a bus, with a group of people we were going somewhere, the landscape was somewhere sandy, somewhere green, there were mountains similar to german ones.
      Then at a point the bus driver got nuts ,and wanted to push out a cat or some animal from a hole with the bus and said that if we dont liek animals we can just simply get off the bus and walk away, everyone was pissed at the woman because that was stupid and it was just a waste of our time. I got off the bus and then I faced some army men getting big dogs ( they looked like a mix of collie and german sheperd, and all of them looked the same) and torturing them killing them, on this way up to a hill, there were a lot of bees and hornets too, the dogs got tied up together and dragged around , some were shot, there were a pile of them, and some dog tried to attack the men, they kicked the dogs, sometimes shot them, and the bees also attack them. It was a horrible sight, at a point , i ran away fastly ,cuz I started to step in bees and I did not have shoes.
      At a point I got to a city that looked israeli. And I met a woman who agreed to house me, I saw she has a guitar , a weird one, and wanted to play with it. She gave it to me ,then I started to play the israeli anthem ,hatikvah , with profficiency I never did. No matter what frets I hit, it just sounded right, and it was awesome.
      While playing the woman went into her room and I just continued to play on the street until the end , when I woke up finally.
    5. Goddamn Lightning

      by , 04-04-2017 at 11:45 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      I got into a dream, I was not lucid this time cuz lewd thoughts distracted me.

      I was at home, just finished having a bath, I also see that my parents washed their hair. I was talking on discord to some buddy of mine, sitting on my bed.
      I looked out the window, and saw that the weather is rainy ,and I actually heard thunder. I wondered " how could this happen? thunder at this time of the year?"
      Then it started to get louder, and I told my buddy on discord that i gotta go. turned off the phone , and then suddenly saw my parents outside in the rain with wet hair .
      I thinked to myself " they will get struck by lightning if they keep doing this" , tried to tell them to get in. But it was too late, for a lightning near them stroke , and it was so strong , I felt the electricity going through my body. My senses dimmed , and I got paralysed, couldnt hear well ,I couldnt even scream, only moan a bit. I suddenly found my parents inside the house, they were fine, they sat down, but they couldnt hear me ask for help.
      I just moaned here and hugged my legs and slowly collapsed on the floor in terror. It felt so real ,and I legit thought that I may die now.
      Then I woke up.

      What I experienced was in fact sleep paralysis, and soemhow I already felt it

      Updated 04-04-2017 at 11:47 AM by 92016

      Tags: bath, lightning
      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable