Stuck in the Shadow Realms
, 12-13-2019 at 12:40 PM (457 Views)
It all started with a brief paralysis I had. I woke up from it so I thought no LD today either, and went to sleep normally.
The coming dream is hazy for me so I don't remember much. But I know that there was this girl whos presence brought me some kind of peace and for this I started to speculate
that this girl may be god or a form of a higher force, and that I may learn something important from her , so I tried to get near her to talk to her
That's when it started
I found myself at home, figured I woke up , then I went to look out the windows and saw that there are no streets anymore anywhere,
just endless heaps of trash, and endless amount of trash men picking up stuff. Also there was a mild fog .
I didn't become lucid yet, but I found it weird that there are no streets. Then I woke up again, I don't know how many times I woke up, but things got more creepy and grotesque and darker.
And then I ended up in what I call the shadow realm. I kind of became lucid because I realized its morning in real life , but here there was total darkness.
the lights in teh whole house were flickering , giving a deeper orange faint light with a reddish hue , I felt like theres a dark presence in the dream the whole time but nothing turned up.
I went to door to check out the street, it was like in real life but all the lights were off ,so it was just total darkness with a little bit of a faint red light coming from the sky, I could barely see anything.
But I saw that there are shadows 'dancing' all over the street, but none of it attacked me or anything. I quickly closed the door and went back in. I didn't know what to do.
I said that I guess I'm like Alan Wake , stuck in a dream, never knowing if I actually got out or if it's another dream.
𐤏𐤄𐩤𐤐 𐤁ߣ𐩤ߖߖ𐤏 𐤓𐤏𐤓 ߡ 𐤓𐤁𐤓 𐤅ߡ 𐩤ߖߖ 𐤂𐩪ߖ ߡ 𐤓𐩪𐤉ߖ𐤄
I entered the room laid down and tried to wake up
from there on my recall gets bad again
I woke up a few times in another instances of my home , once I woke up for real and then slipped back into the shadow realm then at a point I thought I'm done for, and prayed
and then I finally woke up
It was my first instance of being unable to wake up, it was really weird and scary...