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    1. Maybe Means Yes

      by , 07-05-2022 at 08:15 PM
      The "Maybe Means Yes" is my variation of SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique). SAT is a daytime awareness practice similar to ADA and reality checking.

      What is ADA and SAT?
      ADA stands for All Day Awareness and is the practice of being aware of whether or not you are dreaming constantly throughout the day.

      SAT stands for Sporadic Awareness Technique and is the same as ADA, but an easier version of it. Instead of awareness being constant, you can simply be aware sporadically (randomly) in moments throughout the day. You can still gain a high rate of lucitity by doing SAT even though it's not constant.

      What is awareness, though?
      Awareness means you know something or are perceiving something. You can be aware of anything, such as that you're reading this guide, that the sky is blue, or that you're sitting in a chair. You are constantly aware of many things all at once, both in your environment and in your mind.

      With daytime awareness practices for the purpose of lucid dreaming, there is only one thing you need to be aware of: are you awake or dreaming? You don't need to be aware of the sky or your feelings, only this one question. To do awareness practices, ask yourself this question.

      But how do I ask myself if I'm awake or dreaming?
      To do this technique, earnestly ask yourself this question: "Am I dreaming or awake?" There are three possible answers.

      1. "No, I am awake." The waking experience is the easiest to identify. This is something many lucid dreamers learn on their own through experience, but I will tell you right here from the get-go: you know most easily when you're awake.

      2. The next possible answer is "Yes, I am dreaming." If you're doing reality checks, be mindful of whether you're already at the "yes" answer, as you don't need to complicate it with a reality check. You're already lucid.

      3. The third and most game-changing answer is "Maybe." Many people use reality checks here, but it's not necessary to RC due to a funny little secret about lucid dreaming: maybe means yes.

      Any time you're seriously asking yourelf if this is all a dream, you're very likely dreaming! When dreaming, our brains work differently. We're more prone to accepting absurd scenarios. Being unsure whether you're actually dreaming is one of those absurdities. This is the very thing that causes non-lucidity to begin with and you can use it to become lucid through awareness. The way dream brain makes you uncertain of your reality is itself a clue that you're dreaming. By being aware of your own uncertainty and being critical of what your uncertainty means, you become lucid in dreams.

      What about reality checks?
      Now you're probably thinking, do I need to do a reality check? The answer is no. If you're already aware that you're dreaming through techniques like SAT, there is no need for reality checks.

      Reality checks confirm whether you are in a dream by being critical of things in your environment. For example: if you look at your hands, they will look normal when awake, but you could have an impossible number of fingers in your dreams. There are many different kinds of reality checks that all do the same thing (pushing a finger through your palm, trying to breathe through your nose while plugging it, etc.)

      Reality checks are commonly used and highly effective, but it's important to remember that what makes you lucid is the awareness and criticality that comes before them, not the check itself. If you are at the point of seriously asking yourself "Am I dreaming?" then you already know (because maybe means yes) that you are in fact dreaming.

      So you can do reality checks if you find them beneficial, but they aren't required for 100% accurate results that we can get from awareness alone.

      Reminders & Timers
      Daytime awareness practices should not involve setting timers or alarms to remind yourself to be aware, since you won't be able to use those in your dreams. If the timer you set doesn't go off in your dreams, you won't know to do it and you won't become lucid.

      Sure, you could set yourself up to dream about an alarm going off, but there is a much easier and more effective way of reminding yourself to do SAT in dreams: enter DILD hooks.

      What about DILD hooks?
      DILD hooks are often talked about in relation to daytime awareness practices and can be incredible useful. But what are they?

      DILD stands for Dream Initiated Lucid Dream, which means that you become lucid at some point in your dream. Any technique that's not WILD is technically DILD, so ADA/SAT is also technically a form of DILD. The "hook" is the reminder part.

      DILD hooking is the same thing as SAT, but with a reminder. The reminder/hook must be something that occurs in both your waking life and dreams (usually not phone reminders, timers, or alarms).

      For example, if you dream about dragons often, you can train yourself to do SAT every time you encounter something related to dragons in waking life (doesn't need to be an actual dragon, just the idea of one). By training yourself to remember to do SAT every time you think of dragons, you can become lucid frequently in your dreams whenever dragons appear—especially if you train the criticality behind recognizing that living dragons only exist in dreams.

      Realistic Hooks
      DILD hooks can also be realistic or mundane things like cats, bananas, certain family members, seeing the sky, or the simple act of moving. As long as the hook occurs in your dreams, it can work as a reminder to do SAT.

      As described above, you don't need a reality check (like a dragon) to do SAT—all you need is to mindfully ask yourself if you're dreaming and be aware of the three possible answers. This is why realistic DILD hooks work.

      Emotions can also be DILD hooks. Children who become lucid from nightmares (a frequent backstory of natural lucid dreamers) unknowingly do DILD hooks by training an association between feelings of fear, and questioning their reality. Negative emotion is an ideal DILD hook if your goal is to stop nightmares with lucid dreaming. It can be trained deliberately by practicing daytime awareness every time you experience the negative emotion in your waking life, even if just from harmless exposure such as watching a scary/unpleasant movie.

      Now that we're done explaining the techniques, here's some examples of how they can be put into practice!

      The Talking Cat Example
      Let's say you have a cat and every time you see him, you greet him with a heart "Hello!" You do this every day that you see him.

      Then, one night you see your cat in a dream. Without thinking, you say "Hello!" just like you would when awake.
      But rather than staring at you like you have two heads or meowing for food, he responds "Howdy partner!"
      Hold up.
      ...Mr. Whiskers is a cowboy?! Tch. Funny cat!

      If you're not practicing awareness, you'll likely gloss right over the fact the cat just spoke. Something may feel off, but you might just shrug it off and move on, failing to notice that you're dreaming despite the obvious sign.
      This is where awareness comes in. You can set yourself up to become lucid in this situation by turning your conversations with your cat into a DILD hook. Every time you greet the cat, you remind yourself to ask the question "Am I dreaming?" By developing this habit, the reminder becomes ingrained and will transition into your dreams.
      The next time you encounter your cat in dreams, you'll have the awareness to ask yourself whether you're dreaming.
      Now this is where you could use the cat as a reality check. If he talks, it's a dream. If he doesn't talk, it's not a dream. This can work just fine sometimes, but if you find that reality checks aren't getting the results you want, remember that maybe means yes and fallback on your awareness. Be aware of your uncertainty of the dreamstate, and you will get lucid from just asking the question no matter your cat talks or meows.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q: I thought you were supposed to pay attention to details in your environment for ADA? Like details in the grass, eye movements, the feeling of clothing, etc.
      A: This is fine if it works for you. If it's not working, make sure you are being critically aware. If you only pay attention to details in your environment without being aware and critical of whether you're awake/dreaming, you may trigger more detailed dreams instead of lucid ones.

      Q: I can't find guides on SAT, only ADA?
      A: Because ADA and SAT are the same (other than how much you you do them), guides for ADA and SAT are interchangible. As long as you keep in mind that SAT is the sporadic version of ADA, you can use guides for both. It is a matter of All Day VS Spodic timing of your awareness, but otherwise they are the same practice.

      Q: I still don't understand what awareness is.
      A: If you read this guide and still don't understand what it means to be aware, you might be overthinking it. Are you awake right now? If so, then you're aware that you're awake. If you've ever had a lucid dream before, you were aware that you were dreaming. Bingo! Now you got it! Go do more of that.

      Q: What is the "most effective" DILD hook?
      A: Effectiveness is higher for things you dream frequently about. Also, things with an emotional impact also seem to be extra effective.

      Q: I can't remember any dreams. How do I know what happens frequently in my dreams for a DILD hook?
      A: For this, I recommend either doing SAT without a DILD hook, or using a common DILD hook (like the sky, something you most likely are dreaming about but just can't remember). Also, you need to work on your recall, otherwise you may not remember any future lucid dreams you have.
      Here's my recall guide: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/ner...l-guide-94405/

      Updated 12-01-2022 at 12:40 AM by 99032
