One of the strangest nights yet.
, 09-16-2012 at 02:00 AM (689 Views)
I'm writing this entire night a second time, because I accedently pushed 'Back' on this page after I wrote it the first time(rage). So, I'll start out by saying that I have definitly had some strange dreams. We've all had some pretty strange dreams. Dreams are of the nature of being strange usually, but last night I honestly don't know how they got so out of the ordinary. There were about six to ten different scenes in total, I'll start with the first I remember.
The first scene began in some sort of fantasy land. It was night time, but the night time here glowed. The glowing setting of this place was a dark shade of blue, it was peaceful. My body was in the form of a centaur. But not only did I have the four legs of a horse, I had a pair of wings on my back as well. This dream had a great deal to do with magic, although I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with magic per say. All I really recall fondly is that I was a flying centaur, and that is badass.
The second dream was in a fancy room. The walls were red, and the carpets, plants, and sofas matched it well. Also there were a few nice paintings along the wall that I noticed. My sister and a few of her friends were sitting on one of the couches talking as I lucidly flew around the room inspecting it. I wanted to continue the scenes, so I made a door in the wall and told everybody to follow me. I didn't know where the door led to, I wanted it to suprise me. So I opened it and walked into the hall way of a mall. On the right side was a marble wall and then a corner that went into the main sections and on the left was a wall made of glass that allowed you to see outside. I don't think this dream continued any longer- it shifted to another scene.
My sister and I walked out of our house with our dog, Chiquis. We walked across the street and said hello to our niece. We talked to her for a bit and let Chiquis walk around the grass. There were a few dogs walking around as well that I didn't notice before. They started to surround Chiquis and sniff her. She gets really nervous around other dogs, and she looked scared shitless to be frank. I was in a sort of strange half lucid state at this point, so I grew out my claws and fur and grew a few inches. I walked towards the group of dogs surrounding mine and let out a menacing growl that sent them running in all directions. Then I picked my baby Chiquis up and pet her for a little while. She liked my fury form. Here's where the dream became extremely... out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how this all happened.
People, turned into things that weren't human. I still considered them normal people in the dream, but everyone I encountered now had bodies shaped as dirty mounds of moving flesh. Their skins were all shades of green and brown and their anatomy's just did not make sense, it's so hard to explain. There was a couple walking down the sidewalk in front of me. Their grotesque blob-bodies where formed into one body with two heads when they were happy with each other, but when they began to fight their bodies would seperate. The male's mouth was in sections of four, and opened and closed in all different angles when he talked; and the female's mouth was came out of her face long and skinny with tiny lips at the end. They talked like normal people, acted like normal people- but everything was weird. The skies were orange. The buildings around me were strange and flesh looking. Some went up for miles, others were regular size. They all had holes and isles like a huge building of large entrails. Still walking down the sidewalk, I began recieving the feeling I was in danger- something was following me. I knew what it was in the dream, but now that I think of it I had no idea really. I began turning corners and picking up my speed when I stopped, almost running into a large neon orange fox shaped creature. The creature was probably the size of my livingroom, and had the body of shaped like a fox. But it didn't have fur, just solid bright mass. It's eyes were red, but not at all sinister. And it talked to me in my head. It's own head so so beatiful, but I can't imagine any way that I could explain it's shape right. The front of it's head had the eyes and nose in place, in the front- but the head was large, and it went back a good length. It was almost a cone shape going backwards, but the shape was made out of a large clump of curling and tethered orange tendons. I jumped on it's back and held on. It had the ability to run on any surface, straight up, straight down, upside down- you name it. We ran through twisting caverns and tunnels of the flesh like buildings I meantioned before, she went so fast. I couldn't hardly keep up with the way she moved. Her voice was soft and calming. She was a good pet.
"So, I couldn't help but notice your horns. Are you one of the demon folk around here?" She asked me. In the dream, for some reason in that moment I was one of the beings they called demons in the city. But in this strange "Ugly Americans" sense. It seemed like the more grotesque you were here, the cooler you were. "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I was having a hard time thinking of conversation at the speeds we were going. We finally got to the complete other side of the town, and she let me off. "Thank you so much." I said. And she jumped away.
The next dream was vivid and horrific, almost like a nightmare but not really. Now everything looked like this world. There was no distortion, it was vivid and realistic. I was walking through a very dirty and runned down area. It looked like a ghetto, but like... a ghetto after the apocolypse had happened or some shit. It was just wrecked. I was walking down an alley, and started seeing corpses here and there. They were rapped up in white tissues, almost like mumification, but less tactful. The body count increased, soon there were piles of these wrapped up bodies. I came upon a giant lot. It looked like a meat farm, but all of the hanging meats were human bodies. More of the bodies that I'd seen, all wrapped up in white material. Some of them were alive I noticed. There were a few workers in the lot, and they formed a twisted lotto game. They'd roll the numbers, and the body that had the same number got their wraps cut off. They got to run away if they were still alive. It was a strange and intensely disturbing scene, mostly because of how calm everyone was with it; other than the people who were wrapped up and hanging upside down.
I ran out into the street and saw my wife and friends, and Tom Cruise(!?). The mood of the dream changed dramatically and I randomly became lucid. I didn't know why Tom Cruise was there, but I went along with it. He had a narley car, and they wanted to go off and do something. My friend Nick jumped in the drivers seat. I motioned my hand up, and he was lifted up in the air and landed in the back seat. "Ahah, dibs." I said and flew into the drivers spot.
"Don't worry Tom, if I wreck your car- I'll fix it." I said, and took off much to fast to be safe in traffic. One part of me wanted to be safe and calm in the car, the other half just wanted to bust it's horse power. So we took off, swearving in and out of the legal peramiters of the road. I remember lastly pulling into a parking structure and everyone getting out. I'm not sure where the dream went after that, but altogether- it was a memorable night.
I had a false awakening once, and sat in bed listening to my brother Jeremy talk to his mom outside of the room. (I was spending the night) But then I woke up shortly after.