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    1. Talking with a dream character about how he becomes lucid nearly got me lucid for the first time

      by , 12-09-2022 at 04:22 PM
      I nearly became lucid for the first time this morning. I was walking with a guy in his neighborhood, I was barefoot and could feel the bumpy pavement on my feet, it felt realistic. We were just talking about dream stuff. He was going on about how when he gets on his snapchat in dreams they just keep going and that makes him realize hes dreaming.

      Then my alarm went off. Had another dream earlier in the night, this was the first time i've had 2 dreams in one night, but i forgot the details, but it happened. Should have gotten up in the middle of the night to record it.
    2. Floating mobile attack skyscrapers incoming

      by , 12-04-2022 at 05:53 PM
      This took place in a city which was next to a coast line and the streets were water, kind of like Venice but there was water under the buildings too. I could see this dark tower moving over the tree lines. It was like a super old stone tower with multiple levels and it gets more narrow towards the top, there was cannons and castle like features. But this tower was probably 1000 feet tall and it was coming in on a boat. It dawned on me that we were being invaded by another country. There was bunches of these super detailed tower boats with all kinds of architecture. Some were legitimate skyscrapers just on a regular boat. It was very ominous feeling and the whole dream I was looking out the windows to see these things appearing. I walk to the other side of the building and directly infront of me a glass structure with golden panes was starting to protrude from the water. It came up at an angle and eventually stood up right but it was like all glass but the metal panes holding it together. It was a skycraper. I ran to a different area, and the scene turned to a naval battle at night. There was black clouds and fog all over, like walls of it that we could move around and hide to help with our defences. There was also crazy purple lightning in these cloud walls. I was warning my people and it starting turning into a 3rd person perspective/ wide angle view of everything and I woke up.

      I think I'm going to make a painting of this,
      Tags: journal
    3. The mmmhmmiimmhm-ing

      by , 03-11-2011 at 03:44 AM
      Me and about 5 of my friends were having some sort of competition, of endurance or something like that, for a while we were just biking around this area and thats all. But eventually we all met up at this strange mans house, he looked like Zak Galifianakis, I think it might have been him. It was a tiny house and one of my friends knew him so we could go there. And he was holding some animal when we got there, he had a ton of animals in his house. But I walked over to his kitchen, and there was this ledge that went straight down to his basement, and I just saw this polar bear running at this huge white gorilla probably 3 times bigger than the big polar bear. Its like it was was grabbing around the white gorilla and walking forward and ran into a wall. I wish i could remember more of what we did there but we were there for a long time. Eventually we left his house to go to this other guys house, and at this house I didn't even see the outside first, we just appeared in this room. We were going to sleep there and it was some random room. We were talking about all trying to have the same dream, the whole thing I just dreamed including the competition, and the weird guys house, we were all talking about that like it was all a dream. And I remember asking if anyone remembers seeing a polar bear tackle a giant white gorilla, but no body seemed to know what I was talking about. A while later everyone was gone but me, and I decided to explore the house, I didn't even realize we were staying in this huge creepy mansion. But I kept trying to go downstairs but I was too scared of something. Later I ended up in some weird part of the mansion and got out side. And there was some guys out on the lawn. And apparently the owner was this guy laying down in one of those chairs at swimming pools you la on. And this guy was fanning him with a leaf, I think there were like 10 other people there. Then I noticed they were all middle eastern and wearing very strange clothes. But for some reason all of the men would sing this tune, but it wasn't singing really it was odd, it like was singing from their noses or something like that. And I was supposed to find something for him, and I couldn't find it, and everything turned into stone and non modern things. And I climbed up this wall and found a rope, so I pulled it. I heard some weird noise come from a woman in the mansion everytime I pulled the rope. Then I twisted this rock like I knew what I was doing, and then I pulled the rope again. This time when ever I pull the rope the middle eastern men would sing that weird tune. Then all of a sudden everything that happened in this dream just seemed to disappear, and I was on this lawn in front of this nice house, with all these teenagers I didn't know but it was like I knew them. And this girl told me to follow her, so I followed her. She was wearing a fluorescent yellow-green bikini, and we were going to find her brother, and I noticed her brother was wearing the same fluorescent yellow-green bikini as his sister, then I woke up..
    4. Omgsh's superb DJ

      by , 03-11-2011 at 03:35 AM
      Oh hi! Here I will share as many dreams as I can remember. I may post some of my past dreams every so often too.
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