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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    1. Lounge Flight (LD) 2. Facing Fears (LD)

    by , 08-29-2023 at 11:13 PM (153 Views)
    1. Lounge Flight (LD)
    I'm in a second story area which resembles a kitchen area, and many plants are knocked on the floor with green foliage strewn about. I look at several of the clocks on the appliances and notice the time displaying: :: ::.
    That doesn't make senseNose Plug...[I]I'm dreaming!!![/I take in my surroundings and love how chill the area feels - it's a lounge-type of kitchen area with an island in the center and a balcony which overlooks a first floor area below. The kitchen is complete with dark brown granite and appears quite upscale. I consider what to do, realizing there are so many things I can do, and make my way to the edge of the kitchen, feeling that I want to explore simply because I like the area so much. I wonder if the area is a place that I may return to in future dream - if it'll have some persistence. I float upward and begin to glide down to the lower level. I begin to narrate to engage working memory stating something similar to: "Now I'm going to explore". I hear some people speaking and notice two dream characters below: a young boy and his mother. I float closer and decide to interact with the characters. I ask the mom her name and she replies:
    Emily: "Emily"
    I continue to follow the two. The boy appearsts to have low self-esteem and I step in order to assist him. My lucidity begins to fade as I explain in his innate ability to do whatever he sets his mind to.

    2. Facing Fears (LD)
    I'm standing at a counter in a house, playing a game on my laptop. I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. I experience a burst of bliss and peace.I love being in...this place I reflect, feeling a love for the 'lucid feel' and just being in the environment. I make my way around the counter, consider what I want to do. I become inspired to practice meditation, and begin to head to the center of the room. I sit down and begin to practice zazen. I take in the view through my half-open eyes of blinds situated against the far wall. I feel that my awareness may fade a bit, so I move my dream body a few feet to the right and continue. I feel I once again may lose the dream after a moment of zazen, so I stand up. The dream begins to dim. I begin engaging my tactile sense to stabilize, and shout "visuals!" as the imagery darkens. I move to a nearby couch and begin rubbing in vigorously, feeling all of the texture. The dream begins to stabilize and visuals return. I head to the stairway and notice the darkness above. I gain an ominous sense, and feel that something nightmarish may be looming above. I almost turn away, but think back to dream yoga and facing nightmares. I imagine that I can conjure light - illuminating the dream literally and dispelling evil and the dream scene brightens slightly as I make my way up the stairs, as fear begins to diminish; I reflect on how it's just a dream. I begin to hear voice chattering in hushed tones. I see a room to my left but it seems vacant. I pass to the back room and enter. I make my way inside and see that in the back is a large bed/couch with an awning which covers partially up above. It appears to be a child's room and is quite beautiful; a lot of care has been put into the decoration. At the far end of the room, the entire wall is simply glass, with a view that overlooks a large city. Buildings glow in the night, a beautiful scene to take in. I feel a sense of wonder and peace overlooking the scene, admiring the pinkish hues of the city (1). I begin to wake up.

    I feel that this dream represents my fear of having kids. While there is some sense of overwhelm, I feel that the dream is telling me that the reality is going to surprise me in many way; it will bring more joy that I expect, and far less fear. This was a beautiful and revelatory dream.

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