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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    Telekinesis and Scorpion Form (LD)

    by , 09-18-2023 at 10:46 PM (263 Views)
    I turn over and see a wooden table and wonder if I need to get up for work. I notice dream glow and become lucid. I can probably just stand up and enter the dream… I stand up and I’m in a bedroom which resembles one in Syrano. The dream is a bit dim, so I shout “Clarity Now!” and begin rubbing the carpet. I think of a way to exit and consider the wall, yet decide on the curtains since I can see outside first by pulling them back. I pull the curtains back and notice the thick glass behind them as well as the daylight and yard beyond. I phase through the thick glass and find myself in the backyard of the main house in Meadow. I head down the concrete walkway a bit a think of some dream control. I notice my left eye is shut a bit and figure it’s my sleeping body. I shout for clarity, drop down and rub the floor, stand back up, and the vision issue is resolved. I then try element manipulation. As I look up, I see a massive crescent moon in the sky slightly to my left. I begin to think of conjuring tornados but decide to try fireballs a different way. I begin conjuring at my side and go to hurl one, yet just see wisps of smoke approach the fence. I turn to my right and see a vivid stop sign descending from above (1). I see a large gnarled tree to my right and I begin climbing. I actually feel my lats straining hard as I pull my dream body up. I take in the sights around, then float back down to the steps behind the main house. A group of young kids is sitting on the concrete steps leading into the house, eating from a large big bucket of chicken wings. They offer me some, and I have a bite. They’re extra gooey and taste really good! There’s a lot of thick sauce on them. I head away from this area and back toward the fence, beginning to think about transformation. I look at my shadow and see my dream body elongating vertically into what appears to be an insectoid shape. I don’t quite like the idea and begin to think of other ideas as I head through the gate and feel my body extending from front to back into a massive shape. I look in my shadow and notice the shape of a massive scorpion. I curve left toward the driveway and imagine a giant stinger coming down in front of me and crushing into the driveway surface – only faint wisps appear. I continue to head down the driveway, reverting to my humanoid dream body. Once on the driveway, I think of levitation meditation. I cross my legs and float up in meditation. I reflect on how my control in the dreamworld is increasing and I’m happy about it. I land, walk a bit farther down and see a yellow car coming down the street from the left. I immediately think: mass telekinesis! I focus my attention and remind myself that everything is simply…my mind. This is all my mind. I imagine the car moving and guide it with my mind to swerve and lift off the ground a bit and it hits into the house. Yes! I float down toward the car and into the Village section of Meadow. The houses are gray and have a very ‘boxy’ shape to them. There’s a bit of light glowing from the windows of many of the homes. I see a few DCs pass by and a couple enter the house. I tell one that I’m going to head in with them. I make my way into the house which is slightly gray, heading toward the back. I climb some stairs and snap my fingers to go invisible, avoiding a DC’s gaze. She seems to hear something a moment later and begins looking for me. I phase partially into the wall to avoid her, then realize I’m wasting my time hear. I phase out and leave the house. The dream begins to fade a bit, so I begin to rub the street vigorously. I say:
    “I’m dreaming…I’m dreaming… I’m dreaming”
    I reappear in a second story room and head toward the next room. I think of element manipulation for a moment, but ignore it for the time being. I phase through a window and toward an alleyway situated in an elevated area against a building. I seem quite a few pipes and head farther down this area, and brick walls comprising the outsides of all the nearby buildings I use telekinesis on a small metalic object, then try to use super speed to speed to head farther down into the industrial area to the right. It doesn’t quite work, as I try to alter my visual perception. I rise upward and begin to fly far to the left and get a memory of Hufik’s dream journal. The dream begins to fade a bit, but I hold awareness and begin to fly back a bit. I reappear in a factory type setting which somewhat resembles the equipment from the previous room. I walk a bit farther and notice a massive square piece of machinery made of solid metal. It’s colored yellow and blue. I set my mind to use mass TK and move it over and into the gap ahead. Music from the autumn competition video begins to play! I continue to fly to the left, but soon wake up.
    theshirecat likes this.

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    Updated 09-18-2023 at 10:58 PM by 50425



    1. theshirecat's Avatar
      I notice dream glow and become lucid.
      Is this happening without a WBTB, basically just MILD? If so, do you have any recommendations on how to train the brain to get to that point where this happens? I've really only had success with WBTB lately. Practicing awareness more during the day I suppose?

      I notice my left eye is shut a bit and figure it’s my sleeping body. I shout for clarity, drop down and rub the floor, stand back up, and the vision issue is resolved.
      Definitely going to remember this one. I've had the same issue with one or both eyes being stuck. Makes me wonder if you've actually moved your real body, or otherwise severed whatever connection your brain had to simulate the eye being closed? I've had cases where I was laying with my eye into the pillow for example.

      Anyway, cool lucid man