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    First successful lucid dream in a while... Dream Characters to the Rescue...

    by , 07-11-2017 at 01:29 PM (698 Views)
    The alarm woke me this morning but remembered my dream.

    I'm gambling at a casino. At first I couldn't stop gambling. I felt like I've been to this place before. I eventually felt like I had control in stopping gambling with the help of dream characters. There was more detail to that but I'm not good at explaining precise detail yet.

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    1. KarlaB18's Avatar
      What I do with my dreams is I try and extract a few points out of them to write immediately in my dream journal. Then later, when I transfer my dreams to the computer, I try and make a story/anecdote out of it. If you really like writing, you could try that and eventually, you'll just automatically start remembering more things. So in summary, a good technique for conveying precise detail is to format your dream like a story. Try and imagine that you're writing to some potential audience.
      oneiroer likes this.