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    Clear Slugs, Darkness, and Some Pizza

    by , 04-18-2015 at 05:48 AM (429 Views)
    1. I was in my house and I was taking a shower in my restroom. As I finished taking a shower, I got out and immediately looked into the mirror. My vision was perfect even though I had no glasses on. Seeing my reflection in the mirror I noticed that my hair looked odd. It was now dark and had small brown spikes of metal in it. It reminded me of small pieces of the crown that Jesus wore. I tried taking out the metal pieces, but as I did I ended up ripping out hair along with it. "Wow, this is horrible" I thought to myself.
    I turned around and stepped back into the shower and turned on the water. After that I washed all of the metal pieces out of my hair. I remember running my hands through my hair to get these metal pieces out. After that I turned off the water and got back out of the shower. As I did so, I immediately started to feel sick to my stomach. Whatever was in my stomach was coming up quickly. "Oh no, I never throw up" I think to myself. Just then and huge clear slug with blue antennae comes out of my mouth and plops onto the floor. The slug is completely transparent. It starts to slowly move around on the floor.
    Just looking at this snail is making me sick again. I start thinking about how utterly gross it is for something like this to happen. I then realize that this gross slug was inside of me. Suddenly I start to feel sick again and sure enough I throw up again. Another big slug comes out. At this point I am so disgusted and since I have no control over these slugs I start to cry(lol wow). My dad walks into the restroom as well as my sister and asks what's going on. I tell him how I am throwing up slugs. He looks down at the slugs in disgust as does my sister.
    A big realization then comes to me, if I don't think about the snails and instead forget the fact that they are in my stomach, I will stop throwing them up. This works perfectly. I stop throwing up slugs and I feel better.

    2. I am in my friend Patrick's house with Patrick, Dylan, and Trey. We are all just chilling. I get up from sitting down on the couch and start walking around just because. Suddenly as I get near the front door, all of the lights in the house turn off and it is now pitch black. Somehow I knew that this was all going to happen. Suddenly I go back in time to about a minute before the lights shut off. I am approaching the front door once more and now I think to myself, "it's going to happen any minute now". Patrick, Trey, and Dylan are all still sitting in the living room talking. It is still broad day outside.
    Suddenly the lights shut off again and the entire house is pitch black, but an unusual black as if no light could get inside the house at all. I couldn't even see my hand in front of me. Patrick, Trey, and Dylan start freaking out and I hear one of them say, "What's going?!?". I then start to hear some weird type of groan and screams coming from what sounds to be like the living room. "Oh hell no, I'm getting out" I think to myself. I struggle to find the door handle, but I eventually find it. I then open the door and sprint out with a growing fear of what is behind me.
    Once I get outside, I stop at Patrick's tree in his front yard and turn around. I put my hand into the form of a gun. Suddenly some weird skeleton creatures run out the front door. There are 3 of them and they each have a glowing orange and red light around them. I start shooting my finger gun and it shoots out bolts of energy at the creatures. I have no idea what happened to Patrick, Dylan, and Trey. The creatures stop fighting me out of no where and I turn around and start walking.

    3. I'm in the school parking lot and it is night time, yet everyone's cars are still parked in their own spot, as well as mine. I walk over to my car, unlock it, and get in. I start it up and put it in reverse. As I start driving to get out of the parking lot, suddenly so does everybody else and I now find myself waiting in traffic just to get out of the parking lot as usual. As I slowly move forward, I encounter my friend Andrew and a blonde named Winter. They cut in front of my car. "Get out of the way Andrew" I say. "Fuck you bitch" he replies. Winter laughs.
    "Wow ok seriously" I say. Andrew is holding a pizza in his hands and he is carrying it and following winter who is walking in front of my car at the same time. Now they are in the line of traffic even though they don't have cars. The exit of the parking lot is still a ways away, but as we get closer to it, andrew trips and the pizza touches the ground, but he doesn't drop it. "Oh shit" he says as it hits the concrete ground of the parking lot.
    As we make it to the exit of the parking lot, I suddenly find myself standing up next to andrew without a car anymore. My car has suddenly disappeared. We walk past a stop sign in front of us and now me, andrew, winter, and alot of other students are now walking along the school road. It is still nighttime outside too. To the right of the road we are on, there is a well lit professional basketball court. I look over to it and see a bunch of grown men playing. All of the other students are looking at them silently as well. In front of me I see a tall guy that I know from school. He is wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, and a pair of glasses as usual.

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