Odd School, Wrestling Class, Fire Spiders
, 04-19-2015 at 05:06 AM (453 Views)
1. I was in a large school and I was standing in a large open area that seemed to be the cafeteria. A whole group of students that went to this school were all standing around me. Everyone was just socializing and talking, and I was just observing for the moment. I felt semi-lucid as well. I realize that I am hungry and so I turn around to look for food. As I do so I see the food court of this school. A strong scent of fresh warm cinnamon rolls fills my nostrils. I can see the cafeteria worker ladies handing out food to the people already waiting in line. I make my way over to the food court.
As I get over here and get in line, I realize just how packed it is. There are two lines and each one is pretty long. I remember making eye contact with an old man and a young girl for no reason, and they intrigued me. Eventually I made it to the front of the line and now standing in front of me, separated by a countertop, was the cafeteria lady. "Yea I'll take two cinnamon rolls please" I tell her. She then goes grabs a plate and goes over to where the cinnamon rolls are, over to her left. She puts two cinnamon rolls onto my plate and then comes back and hands them to me. She tells me the price, "That'll be 4 dollars". I get my wallet out and hand her 4 dollars roughly and then take my plate and walk away.
I look around for a table and there are none in sight. I end up eating my cinnamon rolls while standing like everyone else. I quickly finish these 2 cinnamon rolls, and my appetite is not satisfied. I turn around and look back to see what else is at the food court. I see other desserts besides cinnamon rolls, so I go back and get in line. The line is alot smaller now, so I get to the front fast. As I do, I look at what other desserts they have. I realize that I have no idea what any of the desserts besides the cinnamon rolls are called. The other desserts looked entirely unique, I have never seen anything like them before. I don't want to hold up the entire line by trying to figure out what to get, so I end up getting 2 more cinnamon rolls. After paying, I leave and start eating them. Just as I turn back to where all the other students are standing and socializing, I look through the huge glass curtain wall that covers the entire south wall of this cafeteria. Through the huge panels of glass, I see a colossal tower starting to shake. I yell out, "Holy crap what is that!" and everyone stops and looks over to where I have my finger pointed. "That's part of the school! Oh no it's collapsing!" a random person says.
It then occurs to me just how big this school is. Now everyone, along with myself, are watching this huge tower. Suddenly it starts to shake more violently and it then topples over. As this gigantic tower is falling, chaos happens. Everyone starts going crazy, running to the exits of the school to get out and avoid the crash of this tower. I look around me and see people running in all directions. I turn around and see an exit. I run over to it along with many other people and run out the school. Before I leave, I turn around and I see the tower hit the ground. I hear an extremely loud BOOM as it hit the ground and a huge cloud of something came rushing towards the school.
I then went back inside the school with a few others to avoid getting consumed by this white dusty cloud. Soon after I do so, everyone else comes back inside as well. We are all standing silently in shock of what just happened. Surprisingly, the glass curtain wall didn't break from the impact. I look up to where the original tower used to be. I notice that next to where it used to be, there are also 2 other towers still standing. Suddenly another dream starts overlapping into this current one. Now, as I look up at the other two towers, I see the head of a girl with her black hair in a pony tail. She is looking the opposite direction of the towers, so all I really see is her profile.
It looks odd because of how big her head is. It's as though she is a giant. Suddenly, this girls hair latches onto both of the remaining colossal towers and somehow makes them start to collapse just like the first one. No one is watching this girl but me. "Holy crap, the other two towers and starting to collapse!!" I yell. Everyone is still dead silent. After a delayed 5 second response, everyone looks over and sees the other 2 towers collapsing. Everyone seems to be in disbelief. This time, I start sprinting for the door because I know that 2 towers crashing down at once is going to do some major damage.
A small group of students follow me and along with them one teacher. As we get outside, we all brace for impact of the towers and take cover. A loud crash is heard. I look up and I see a huge tidal wave coming towards us. I get behind a thick wall and duck down. The tidal wave touches down and now there is so much water that the street next to the school is literally a river that is about 10 feet deep. Everything is calm now. I stand up and look at the sky. Three-fourths of the sky is dark and filled with thunderstorm clouds while the remaining One-fourth of the sky is clear and I can see the bright sun setting and about to be covered by more clouds.
For some reason I jump in the pool, and the small group of students and 1 teacher behind me jump in too. As soon as I jump in though, I realize how deep the water is and how strong the flow of the river is. If I don't get out immediately I'm going to be pulled under and drown. I quickly start floating on my back and move towards the sidewalk next to me. I look around me and see all the other students struggling with the water. "Help!! I can't swim!" one of them yells. Some of the other students are all splashing around trying to swim but they can't. I then hear the teacher yell, "Hurry, swim for the sidewalk!". I know this sounds weird, but the sidewalk was actually higher than the street to the point where if you were on the street, the sidewalk looked like a wall.
I grab a hold of the sidewalk and struggle to remain in one place. The water is so strong that it is pulling me along with it. Eventually I get a good grasp and climb onto the sidewalk.
2. I was riding on a bus in my neighborhood. It had just picked me up, and as I got on I went to the back of the bus and sat in front of the very last seat. Two girls occupied the seat behind me, and they talked very loud. The bus driver continued driving after I took a seat. At the next stop, a girl with black hair and a light green lime t-shirt got on the bus. She came to my seat and sat directly next to me. We started talking and it started getting sexual.
Suddenly, one of the girls sitting in the seat behind me got up and yelled at me, "I've had enough of you and how dominant you are!! You make me sick!". She then moved over to the seat across from her original seat and is now sitting alone. I look at her and tell her, "Woah woah, look, I'm sorry for whatever I did. It won't happen again". Just as I say this I realize that I saw this exact girl in the dream directly before this one, and she was even mad at me then.
Note: I had 4 more dreams, but I am not going to journal them right now. I might log them in later.