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    Pat's House and A Keyboard

    by , 03-25-2015 at 12:01 PM (362 Views)
    1. I was in my friend Patrick's house with Pat himself, his sister Emily, and Dylan. We had all been sitting down on the couch just relaxing until Alex called and said that his dad would be dropping him off at Pat's house soon. For some reason we all reacted as though this was a rare occurrence and Emily started getting mad, and I have no idea why. She got up off of the couch with a stern and aggressive look on her face. "I'm going to go hide from Alex's dad" I told her, "You should too Emily". "I would never hide from Alex's dad, Alex's dad should be hiding from me". Wow, that's scary.
    I leave the living room where we were all sitting and retreated back into Patrick's dad's room, who currently wasn't here. Dylan followed me. My last sighting of Patrick was as he ran down his hallway and into his room. I then closed the bedroom door and found a hiding spot. The realization came to me: this was just an emotionally charged game of hide and seek. I peek through a set of blinds and look in Pat's driveway. Immediately I notice Alex's dad walking up it quite casually. He then comes to the back door and knocks on it. Emily storms to the door and opens it. "Who do you think you are!?" she asks him. He stands astonished and completely clueless. Alex is behind his dad and comes to his defense. "Emily what are you doing? Chill".

    2. I had just "woken up". I was lying in bed. My entire room was almost pitch black, but I could still see pretty good despite not having my glasses on. I realize that I need to record my dreams of the night or else I will forget them. I pick up a keyboard that was on my carpet next to me and put it on my bed. This keyboard has glowing white keys on it, and it looks pretty high-tech. I start to type up what I can remember of my dreams, but I have no idea where my words are supposed to appear since the keyboard is not hooked up to anything.
    Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see a black figure standing next to my closet. I react the same way I always did when I was haunted as a child; I pulled my bed sheets over myself and shivered in fear(extremely unlikely of me now). At the same time as I did this, I continued typing up my dreams on the keyboard, still thinking that it was working. I kind of forgot about the black shadow figure.

    3. I was downstairs in my kitchen, looking for a snack to eat. I walked into my pantry and looked around. I saw all kinds of chocolate mini cakes of sorts and other sweets. I then thought to myself, "Why doesn't dad just buy a whole bunch of boxes of a bunch of sweets so we can stock up on them and not have to buy them for a while?". I then walked into the kitchen again and went over to the cabinet to the right of the sink.
    I kneel down and open the door. Inside I see tons of boxes of chocolate mini cakes and another type of chocolate mini cakes. On the very left inside of this cabinet I see a big box filled with mini-icecream cup things. I open it up and look inside. "Wow, this ice-cream shouldn't be left out like this. good thing it hasn't been in here for long" I said to myself. I took a handful of these mini ice-creams, close the cabinet door, and then open the fridge. After that I put all of the mini ice-creams that were in my hand, into the fridge except for one; I keep one for myself.
    I then close the fridge and look at my ice-cream. The label on the outside of it is orange, and is quite wet. I can tell that the ice-cream has been starting to melt.

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    Updated 03-26-2015 at 03:22 AM by 65076

