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    Running Away From Bombs

    by , 03-23-2015 at 11:59 AM (431 Views)
    1. I was outside of my friend Patrick's house. It was daytime and the sky was clear and blue. Me, Joseph, Trey, Dylan, and Pat, were all standing around talking to each other. Suddenly a car pulls into a house that has been for sale for a while. "I'm going to hit up that girl in there guys", Pat tells us. I look over and see an Indian family get out of the car and go inside of the house. My curiosity heightens. Joseph, being the outgoing guy that he is, decided that it would be fun to go over there and tease the girl somehow. Since we had nothing else to do, we go with Joseph over to this girl's house.
    Once we get over there, we walk inside. We don't knock on the door or ring the doorbell, we just walk in. As we do so, we find nobody in the house except for Joseph's younger brother and his little sister. We all decide to chill and sit down for a bit. I sit down at a desk that has a computer on it and I look up random stuff. Dylan comes over to the desk and I start showing him pairs of high-tops that look fresh. I remember showing him a white pair of Supra TK Society II's and a few other Supra's. Suddenly, Joseph's brother and sister come over to where me and Dylan are and start watching. I start talking to his sister, trying to entertain her since she's only 8 or 9.
    Eventually I get up away from the computer, and after talking to Joseph's brother for a little bit I walk outside. Everyone else comes out with me. As we get outside, we all start walking back to Patrick's house. As we are all walking back and talking at the same time, Joseph starts to walk slow and falls behind from the group. I look back and see him walking pretty far away from us. Suddenly, he teleports to where we all are like it is nothing and we continue talking. Once we get to Pat's driveway, we all stop and chill. Joseph later says that we should mess with another person's house that lives down past Trey's house.
    I look back at the newly occupied house, and now I see the father of the new family come out the door. He is wearing a towel on his head and the outfit he is wearing is fully Arabian. He starts to yell at us and I can see that he has a handful of grenades. He then starts sprinting in our direction while yelling in some unknown language. We start running away from him. I remember feeling the adrenaline when I realized that this guy could kill us. We eventually all made some distance between ourselves and this arabian guy. Me and Joseph specifically run to a col-de-sac down the street and we hide in the backyard of one of the houses there.
    We quickly jumped one of the house's fences. After we did so, Joseph and I noticed that the backyard we entered, was full of shrubs of many sorts and also some trees. We both thought the same thing: to hide behind one of the bushes. I tried as quietly as I could to get behind one of the bushes without making any noise. While doing so, I could clearly hear the loud rustling of leaves under my feet. I was losing time; the Arabian guy was close and I could hear him now. I finally got behind the bush. Seconds later, the Arabian guy cleared the fence like it was nothing. Me and Joseph got out of the bushes and jumped the fence that was going away from him. With that, we started heading back to Pat's house.
    On the way there, we both saw Dylan's dad, Mr. Ed. He was in his front yard managing his plants. He asked us what Dylan was doing and I told him that he was doing nothing. As we continued running back to Pat's house, I look back and see that Joseph can't keep up. Suddenly he teleports and is now right behind me, all caught up.

    2. I was in school and class had just ended. Everything looked a bit different. The tiles on the ground looked clean and new, but they were still an off-white color. As I headed to the center of the school, I saw my friend Joseph. I ran to catch up with him because he was about to walk up a flight of stairs. Walking next to Joseph already, was Paige, a girl that he is currently talking to. As I get to his side I ask, "Joseph, what's going on man?". He motions me off with his hand because he is talking to Paige. I am slightly pissed at this, but at the same time I respect Joseph's request since he hasn't talked to Paige in over 4 months.
    I turn around and walk down the flight of steps that Joseph and Paige just started to walk up. I realize that I am wearing my batman snapback in school and a gray jacket. I never wear either of these things in school. A random guy comes up to me and I recognize him as a friend even though I have no idea who he is.

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    Updated 03-24-2015 at 03:18 AM by 65076

